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Ecological site R102AY039SD

Shallow Peatland

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 102A / Ecological site R102AY039SD

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T1A - Diversion of water off-site, typically due to drainage or ditching, or extended periods of drought
T1B - Impoundment of water on-site, maintenance of water on-site, and/or establishment of invasive species
T1C - Tile, drainage, tilling, seeding, herbicide
R2 - Restoration of reference condition hydrology, seeding, and invasive species removal
T2A - Removal of drainage, impoundment of water on-site, maintenance of water on-site, and/or establishment of invasive species
T2B - Tile, drainage, tilling, seeding, herbicide
T3 - Tile, drainage, tilling, seeding, herbicide
1.1A - Lack of surface fire and/or periodic drought
1.1B - Beaver dam off-site restricts water flow or contributes to ponding on-site
1.2A - Frequent surface fires (3 – 5 years) or higher than average precipitation
1.2B - Beaver dam off-site restricts water flow or contributes to ponding on-site
1.3A - Removal of beaver or beaver dam

State 4 submodel, plant communities