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Ecological site RX142X00B005


Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 142X / Ecological site RX142X00B005

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T1A - Natural Vegetation Clearing, Site Preparation, Planting of Crops
T1B - Natural Vegetation Clearing, Site Preparation, Introduction of Native and Non-Native Pasture Grasses and Legumes
R2A - Site Preparation, Reintroduce Tree Saplings and Native Species to Area
T3B - Long-term Post-Agricultural Succession
T3A - Removal of Grasses, Introduction of Crops
R3A - Site Preparation, Reintroduce Tree Saplings and Native Species to Area
T4A - Time, Natural Succession
1.1A - Large Scale Disturbances (Clearcutting, wind events, insect damage, snow/ice damage, etc.)
1.1B - Small Scale Disturbances (single tree mortality)
1.2A - Natural Succession over Time
1.3A - Large Scale Disturbances (Clearcutting, wind events, insect damage, snow/ice damage, etc.)
1.3B - Natural Succession over Time, Shade Tolerant Species Dominate
1.4A - Oak Recruitment, Natural Succession over Time
1.4B - Large Scale Disturbances (Clearcutting, wind events, insect damage, snow/ice damage, etc.)
2.1A - Reduced or Eliminated Tillage Operations, Crop Rotations Occur at Regular Intervals, Crop Residue and Amendments Remain on the Soil Surface, Planting of Cover Crops
2.2A - Intensive Tillage Operations, Monoculture of Row Cropping Establishment
3.1A - Reduced or Eliminated Grassland Management Operations, Natural Succession to Predominantly Invasive and Incursive Shrubs
3.2A - Removal of Undesirable Species via Management Practices (Brush, Chemical, etc.)
4.1A - Time, Maturation of Replanted Species
4.1B - Individual Species Die Off, Replanting or Natural Reseeding Occurs
4.2A - Individual Species Die Off, Replanting or Natural Reseeding Occurs