Ecological site group F004BL100CA
Poorly drained, very acidic marine terraces
Last updated: 03/07/2025
Accessed: 03/15/2025
Ecological site group description
Key Characteristics
- Elevated coastal plains
- Dissected coastal plateaus with high acidity – LRU L
- Sea spray has a dominant influence on the soils and vegetation
- Soils with an E horizon present and strongly acidic (pH <5)
- Wet layer depth <6”
Provisional. A provisional ecological site description has undergone quality control and quality assurance review. It contains a working state and transition model and enough information to identify the ecological site.
This ESG is found on wave cut marine terraces from the Fort Bragg area south of Salt Point State Park that have restrictive horizons which perch water and have a very low pH.
LRU K contains the dissected coastal plateau feature that is very acidic and is home to the pygmy forest. Quaternary and Tertiary sandstones and mudstones form the terraces, and some areas are deeply dissected, forming ravines that expose Cretaceous sedimentary rocks.
The average annual precipitation in this MLRA is 23 to 98 inches (585 to 2,490 millimeters), increasing with elevation inland. Most of the rainfall occurs as low-intensity, Pacific frontal storms. Precipitation is evenly distributed throughout fall, winter, and spring, but summers are dry. Snowfall is rare along the coast, but snow accumulates at the higher elevations directly inland. Fog is a significant variable that defines this MLRA from other similar MLRAs. Summer fog frequency values of greater than 35% are strongly correlated to the extent of coast redwood distribution, which is a primary indicator species in this MLRA. Nightime fog is approximately twice as common as daytime fog and seasonally, it reaches its peak frequency in early August, with the greatest occurrence of fog from June through September (Johnstone and Dawson 2010). The average annual temperature is 49 to 59 degrees F (10 to 15 degrees C). The freeze-free period averages 300 days and ranges from 230 to 365 days, decreasing inland as elevation increases.
The Fort Bragg/Fort Ross Terraces form an elevated coastal plain that has less relief (200-800 feet) than the adjacent low elevation mountains of LRU K. Monthly and annual temperature variations are minimal and summer fog is common.
Soil features
Representative soils are Blacklock and Aborigine, and the effective rooting depth is limited by the hardpan at a depth of 12 to 20 inches. The soil is saturated for long periods following episodes of heavy rain from December through April. The saturated zone starts at the surface and extends to the top of the hardpan.
Vegetation dynamics
This provisional ecological site group concept attempts to describe the basic understanding of the pygmy cypress terraces of LRU L. This concept is primarily supported through literature and available information from the Mendocino County Survey. This provisional ecological site concept covers the specific marine terraces that are very acidic and have a water table between 12-20 inches and are generally very poorly or poorly drained. They are within close proximity to the coast and at the lower elevations that spend longer periods within the summer coastal fog. This site is similar to F004BL101CA, however the shallow depth to water table and extreme acidity are both significant enough to impact vegetation composition and limit vegetation production. It is also commonly associated with F004BL101CA and F004BL102CA. Future work will need to be done to better understand the soil and site characteristics that drive the vegetation expression for this provisional ecological site concept.
This ESG is associated with the CA MVC classification, Hesperocyparis pygmaea Alliance - Mendocino cypress woodland. This ESG also classifies is a wetland type, defined in the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) maps as PSS4/FO4B (Palustrine Scrub-shrub, Needle-Leaved Evergreen, Forested and Seasonally Saturated).
Abiotic Factors
The pygmy forest is a unique area within LRU L found on wave cut marine terraces that have restrictive horizons which perch water and are very low in pH. Hesperocyparis pygmaea (pygmy cypress) and Pinus contorta ssp. bolanderi (Bolander pine) dominate the shallowest and most acidic soils within these wave cut terraces and are found associated with small sphagnum bogs and open waters which for the time being are associated with this site concept.
The site is found at elevations below 1,000 feet between the ocean and the first main north-south ridge, where frequent heavy summer fog is intercepted by a tree canopy, a significant amount of moisture is added to the soil. Soils have water available for plant growth most or all of the year, and average soil temperatures at a depth of 20 inches vary by less than 5 degrees C between summer and winter.
Primary Disturbances
The primary disturbance to this ecological site is urbanization and human developments that either de-water the site or completely obliterate it.
References and Citations -
Barbour, M., Keeler-Wolf, T., & Schoenherr, A. A. (Eds.). 2007. Terrestrial vegetation of California. Univ of California Press.
Rittiman, Carl A. 1999. Soil Survey of Mendocino County, Western Part, California. The United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service
Cooperation: The Regents of the University of California.
Sawyer, J.O., T. Keeler-Wolf, and J.M. Evens. 2009. A Manual of California Vegetation, Second Edition. California Native Plant Society, Sacramento, CA.
Major Land Resource Area
Coastal Redwood Belt
Kendra Moseley
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