Ecological site group R004BA203CA
Last updated: 03/07/2025
Accessed: 03/15/2025
Ecological site group description
Key Characteristics
- Hydrologic processes dominate the landscape – LRU A
- Riverine
Provisional. A provisional ecological site description has undergone quality control and quality assurance review. It contains a working state and transition model and enough information to identify the ecological site.
Riparian areas represent the low-gradient areas within this LRU that are heavily influenced by fluvial processes. This provisional ecological site concept is composed of a variety of different riverine expressions/ecological sites and will require more detailed field investigations in order to refine the site concepts and likely develop several new sites that are correlated to similar geologic structure and processes, hydrologic regimes, and vegetation characteristics.
LRU A is primarily influenced by hydrological processes and contains beaches, dunes, rivers, and marine terraces below 400 feet elevation. Wet forests, lakes, estuarine marshes, and tea-colored (tannic) streams are characteristic features of this LRU. Marshes and wetlands have been widely altered and/or drained with many converted to agriculture and urban developments.
The average annual precipitation in this MLRA is 23 to 98 inches (585 to 2,490 millimeters), increasing with elevation inland. Most of the rainfall occurs as low-intensity, Pacific frontal storms. Precipitation is evenly distributed throughout fall, winter, and spring, but summers are dry. Snowfall is rare along the coast, but snow accumulates at the higher elevations directly inland. Fog is a significant variable that defines this MLRA from other similar MLRAs. Summer fog frequency values of greater than 35% are strongly correlated to the extent of coast redwood distribution, which is a primary indicator species in this MLRA. Nightime fog is approximately twice as common as daytime fog and seasonally, it reaches its peak frequency in early August, with the greatest occurrence of fog from June through September (Johnstone and Dawson 2010). The average annual temperature is 49 to 59 degrees F (10 to 15 degrees C). The freeze-free period averages 300 days and ranges from 230 to 365 days, decreasing inland as elevation increases.
Soil features
Soils for this ESG will be extremely varied, but will belong primarily in the Typic, isomesic, udifluvent families as well as typic, isomesic Endoaquolls. Some representative soils in this ESG are Grizzlybluff and Jollygiant.
Vegetation dynamics
This ecological site concept captures variety of typical riparian vegetation expressions and ranges from mostly herbs and shrubs to shrubs and trees that are found in riverine systems that are primarily larger rivers at the end of the watershed and broad open valleys, often significantly influenced by ocean tides. The band of riparian vegetation may be broader or narrower depending on where in the LRU it is found and the daily tidal influences. These riparian sites differ from those in the adjacent LRU I, by generally being larger, low-velocity stream orders, such as Rosgen C or B channels with smaller, finer bedding sediments—whereas most, if not all, of the riparian stream orders in LRU I are typically more A or B channel types with larger bedding sediments.
Abiotic Factors/Primary Disturbance
Riparian forests are a complex interaction of many various physical and biologic factors, including function of valley morphology, physical processes, vegetative legacies, and life history strategies. The watershed geomorphology and physical processes form the basis for understanding the spatial extent of the riparian forests, which includes the valley shape, hillslope processes, fluvial processes, soil processes, and hydrologic processes. Soil development within alluvial environments is highly variable. Frequent erosional and depositional disturbances from flooding create a complex mosaic of soil conditions in the active floodplain that fundamentally influences vegetation colonization and establishment. Well-drained soil or recently deposited mineral alluvium may be found adjacent to very poorly drained organic soils in abandoned high-flow channels. This variability in soil conditions is a major factor in maintaining the high plant diversity typical of riparian ecological sites.
Coastal fog, wind, salt spray, and daily changes in tides are also major factors that define this ecological site from other riparian ecological sites in other MLRAs and LRUs. Windthrow and wind-breakage are common during winter storms and open the canopy creating more diversity in the understory.
The disturbances that drive this ecological site concept are dependent on the type, frequency, predictability, extent, magnitude, and timing of the disturbance. The fluvial processes that are dominant in this riparian ecological site concept include stream power, basal shear stress, channel migration, and sediment deposition. The characteristic vegetation pattern of these low-gradient valleys is maintained by fluvial disturbances and geomorphology. The amount of force exerted on the channel bed and vegetation growing in the active channel and floodplain during a flood is a product of fluid density, gravitational acceleration, flow depth, and water surface slope.
Major Land Resource Area
Coastal Redwood Belt
Kendra Moseley
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