Ecological site group 034BESG27
Arid Cool Shallow
Last updated: 07/09/2024
Accessed: 11/21/2024
Ecological site group description
Key Characteristics
None specified
Provisional. A provisional ecological site description has undergone quality control and quality assurance review. It contains a working state and transition model and enough information to identify the ecological site.
This ESG is located on hills, structural benches, and cuestas.
This ESG is characterized by the aridic moisture regime.
Vegetation dynamics
The modal ecological site for this ESG is R034BY233UT Semidesert Shallow Loam (Utah Juniper-Pinyon).
Major Land Resource Area
Warm Central Desertic Basins and Plateaus
- R034BY106UT–Desert Loam (Shadscale)
- R034BY112UT–Desert Sand (Fourwing Saltbush)
- R034BY118UT–Desert Shallow Loam (Black Sagebrush)
- R034BY121UT–Desert Shallow Loam (Shadscale)
- R034BY130UT–Desert Shallow Sandy Loam (Shadscale)
- R034BY133UT–Desert Very Steep Shallow Loam (Shadscale)
- R034BY212UT–Semidesert Loam (Wyoming Big Sagebrush)
- R034BY214UT–Semidesert Sand (Fourwing Saltbush)
- R034BY225UT–Semidesert Shallow Loam (Wyoming big sagebrush)
- R034BY227UT–Semidesert Shallow Loam (Black Sagebrush)
- R034BY230UT–Semidesert Shallow Loam (Salina Wildrye)
- R034BY233UT–Semidesert Shallow Loam (Utah Juniper-Pinyon)
- R034BY239UT–Semidesert Shallow Sandy Loam (Utah Juniper/Two-Needle Pinyon)
- R034BY315UT–Upland Shallow Clay Loam (Utah Juniper-Pinyon)
- R034BY322UT–Upland Shallow Loam (Two-Needle Pinyon / Utah Juniper)
Correlated Map Unit Components
23732260, 23731924, 23732334, 23730801, 23730312, 23730317, 23730326, 23729948, 23729972, 23729251, 23726052, 23725229, 23725233, 23724836, 23724840, 23725124, 23724879, 23723546, 23723544, 23723448, 23723555, 23723488, 23723677, 23723678, 24509881, 24509885, 24510551, 24510377, 24510285, 24510082, 24510203, 24509978, 24510185, 24510829, 24510311, 24510870, 24510618, 24510673, 24509031, 24508782, 24510627, 24522270, 24522828, 24522689, 24524774, 24524946, 24524406, 24524143, 24523562, 24523568, 24523883, 24525023, 24524274, 24524661, 24524518, 24525432, 24525958, 24526576, 24526094, 24526354, 24526447, 24538312
Curtis Talbot
Travis Nauman
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