Ecological site group 043BESG10
Saline Hills
Last updated: 10/29/2024
Accessed: 01/15/2025
Ecological site group description
Key Characteristics
None specified
Provisional. A provisional ecological site description has undergone quality control and quality assurance review. It contains a working state and transition model and enough information to identify the ecological site.
This soil geomorphic unit is located on complex landslides, eroded fan remnants, and hogbacks.
Vegetation dynamics
The modal ecological site for this soil geomorphic unit is R043BX544WY Saline Upland (SU) Absaroka Lower Foothills.
Major Land Resource Area
Central Rocky Mountains
- EX043B23A100–Channery Upland (CnU) Absaroka Lower Foothills
- EX043B23A104–Clayey (Cy) Absaroka Lower Foothills
- EX043B23A109–Cobbly Upland (CoU) Absaroka Lower Foothills
- EX043B23A120–Limy Upland (LiU) Absaroka Lower Foothills
- EX043B23A121–Limy Skeletal (LiSk) Absaroka Lower Foothills
- EX043B23A142–Saline Subirrigated (SS) Absaroka Lower Foothills
- EX043B23A144–Saline Upland (SU) Absaroka Lower Foothills
- EX043B23A172–Stony Upland (StU) Absaroka Lower Foothills
- EX043B23B168–Steep Loamy (SLy) Absaroka Upper Foothills
- F043BP910MT–Upland Cool Woodland Group
- R043BP807MT–Saline Sodic Grassland Group
- R043BY110WY–Dense Clay High Mountains
- R043BY122WY–Loamy High Mountains
- R043BY204WY–Clayey Foothills and Mountains West
Correlated Map Unit Components
25076659, 26191572, 25917964, 25917788, 25917787, 26053797, 26053576, 26054775, 26066292, 26066673, 26065842, 26066413, 26066641, 26066756, 26066759, 26066788, 26066099, 26066088, 26066131, 26066092, 26066093, 26066160, 26065888, 26065686, 26065617, 26120180, 26120387, 26122412, 26122780, 26122781, 26127988, 26127971, 26131896, 26132632
Curtis Talbot
Travis Nauman
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