Ecological site group 046XESG12
Saline Uplands
Last updated: 10/04/2023
Accessed: 03/15/2025
Ecological site group description
Key Characteristics
- Uplands
- <75% bedrock outcrop
- Surface SAR <8
- Gypsum <5% surface and <10% subsurface
- Subsurface EC <8 and surface EC <4
- EC >1.5 surface or >2 subsurface
Provisional. A provisional ecological site description has undergone quality control and quality assurance review. It contains a working state and transition model and enough information to identify the ecological site.
This ESG is located on hills, terraces, and flood plains.
Vegetation dynamics
The modal ecological site for this ESG is R046XC506MT Shallow (Sw) RRU 46-C 13-19 PZ.
Major Land Resource Area
Northern and Central Rocky Mountain Foothills
- F046XP904MT–Shallow Warm Woodland Group
- R046XC504MT–Overflow (Ov) RRU 46-C 13-19 PZ
- R046XC506MT–Shallow (Sw) RRU 46-C 13-19 PZ
- R046XC508MT–Silty (Si) RRU 46-C 13-19 PZ
- R046XC512MT–Subirrigated (Sb) RRU 46-C 13-19 PZ
- R046XC516MT–Silty Steep (SiStp) RRU 46-C 13-19 PZ
- R046XC517MT–Very Shallow (VSw) RRU 46-C 13-19 PZ
- R046XC518MT–Wet Meadow (WM) RRU 46-C 15-19 PZ
- R046XC598MT–Shallow Clay (SwC) RRU 46-C 13-19 PZ
- R046XC603MT–Saline Upland (SU) RRU 46-C 15-19 PZ
- R046XH124WY–Loamy Argillic Wyoming Front
- R046XN247MT–Clayey (Cy) RRU 46-N 13-19 PZ
- R046XN250MT–Shallow (Sw) RRU 46-N 13-19 PZ
- R046XN252MT–Silty (Si) RRU 46-N 13-19 PZ
- R046XN256MT–Subirrigated (Sb) RRU 46-N 13-19 PZ
- R046XN589MT–Shallow Clay (SwC) RRU 46-N 13-16 PZ
- R046XP801MT–Bottomland Group
- R046XS104MT–Silty (Si) RRU 46-S 13-19 PZ
- R046XS105MT–Clayey (Cy) RRU 46-S 13-19 PZ
- R046XS108MT–Subirrigated (Sb) RRU 46-S 15-19 PZ
- R046XS114MT–Shallow (Sw) RRU 46-S 13-19 PZ
- R046XS144MT–Limy (Ly) RRU 46-S 13-19 PZ
- R046XS619MT–Shallow Clay (SwC) RRU 46-S 13-16 PZ
Correlated Map Unit Components
23831761, 23832201, 23831766, 23831768, 23832003, 23832502, 23832291, 23832292, 23832564, 23832689, 23746289, 23746315, 23745913, 23746164, 23746171, 23748272, 23748264, 23748261, 23748067, 23748493, 23748489, 23748143, 23748142, 23748156, 23753255, 23753019, 23752701, 23753315, 23753322, 23753342, 23753348, 23752752, 23769736, 23769977, 23769779, 23770010, 23769839, 23770077, 23770087, 23770109, 23770112, 23769676, 23769875, 23760504, 23760686, 23760285, 23760511, 23760518, 23760531, 23760547, 23760945, 23760330, 23760556, 23760759, 23760761, 23760568, 23760765, 23760788, 23760790, 23760791, 23760793, 23760357, 23760583, 23760999, 23767043, 23767046, 23767038, 23766847, 23768020, 23767727, 23768022, 23767582, 23767583, 23767592, 23767589, 23767711, 23767904, 23767907, 23767913, 23767912, 23767917, 23768067, 23768069, 23767777, 23767776, 23767778, 23768073, 23768075, 23767784, 23767647, 23768509, 23768740, 23768349, 23768757, 23768374, 23772111, 23771911, 23771924, 23771956, 23771955, 23772095, 23772094, 23772099, 23798668, 23798900, 23798469, 23798472, 23798474, 23799049, 23798827, 23807982, 23807344, 23807673, 23808057, 23808058, 23807782, 23807816, 23815899, 23816142, 23816141, 23815812, 23815810, 23817138, 23817697, 23816532, 23817202, 23816971, 23816969, 23817018, 23817019, 23816509, 23816111, 23817485, 23816591, 23816593, 23817409, 23817160, 23817162, 23817180, 23817181, 23817182, 23817099, 23816937, 23816727, 23816359, 23815903, 23852352, 23852923, 23852761, 23852475, 23852491, 23852219, 23852378, 23852939, 23852953, 23852964, 23852723, 23852176, 23854377, 23853736, 23853939, 23853766, 23853638, 23958714, 23959315, 23960124, 23959015, 23959198, 23958829, 23959268, 23958765, 23962619, 23961949, 23962263, 23962649, 23962652, 23962655, 23962004, 23962301, 23962315, 23961561, 23961710, 23962324, 23962321, 23962038, 23962037, 23962332, 23962043, 23962344, 23962356, 23961732, 23961734, 23961739, 23961747, 23961748, 23962763, 23962386, 23962781, 23962417, 23962789, 23963057, 23963091, 23962822, 23963230, 23963268, 23962877, 23963150, 23963154, 23963283, 23963177, 23961823, 23961539, 23961546, 23962184, 23963542, 23963365, 23963646, 23975290, 23975303, 23975534, 23975635, 23975833, 23975834, 23975254, 23975457, 23975600, 24033865, 24034176, 24033874, 24034182, 24034188, 24034522, 24034233, 24033914, 24033631, 24033402, 24033408, 24034337, 24033744, 24033423, 24034356, 24033766, 24033449, 24033482, 24041227, 24041228, 24041236, 24041237, 24041306, 24041307, 24041262, 24041105, 24040607, 24041051, 24041048, 24041249, 24040815, 24040814, 24040822, 24040820, 24040801, 24041027, 24040364, 24040791, 24040339, 23969058, 23968517, 23968513, 24303961, 24445116, 24445095, 24445195, 24340585, 24373072, 24372417, 24373259, 24373202, 24373200, 24373214, 24372567, 24372627, 24373736, 24373743, 24372775, 24372779, 24372969, 24373061, 24373495, 24373471, 24373040, 24373037, 24373045, 23817147, 23817251, 23817253, 23816514, 23816312, 23816974, 23816703, 23817075, 23816861, 23817116, 23816782, 23817217, 23817450, 23817452, 23817030, 23816821, 23817212, 23817446, 23816269, 23816496, 23816499, 23816720, 23816660, 23817129, 23816664, 23816667, 23816735, 23817367, 23816502, 23816627, 23815864, 23817091, 23816983, 23816093, 23816095, 23817375, 23815846, 23816978, 23817398, 23816072, 23816073, 23816467, 23816466, 23816464, 23816634, 23817177, 23817173, 23817170, 23817171, 23816906, 23816910, 23816722, 23816724, 23817161
Curtis Talbot
Travis Nauman
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