Ecological site group GX070A01XESG01
Last updated: 05/15/2023
Accessed: 02/16/2025
Ecological site group description
Key Characteristics
- Site receives significant additional moisture--either from run-on or throughflow. Site occurs on a floodplain, swale, or playa bottom. ).
Provisional. A provisional ecological site description has undergone quality control and quality assurance review. It contains a working state and transition model and enough information to identify the ecological site.
This site occurs on water-collecting landforms such as the floodplains and channels of ephemeral and perennial streams, and also on playa bottoms.
Soil features
Soil features for this group vary widely based on landform and parent material. Beyond this, the hydrology of run-on sites is complex, often resulting in multiple soil components of differing hydrologic status within the same ecological site.
Major Land Resource Area
High Plateaus of the Southwestern Great Plains
Correlated Map Unit Components
22706448, 23063222, 23192036, 23192038, 23191980, 23175076, 22968316, 22968387, 23186703, 23186705, 22981318, 22279942
Logan Peterson
Curtis Talbot
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