Ecological site group GX070A01XESG02
Last updated: 05/16/2023
Accessed: 03/13/2025
Ecological site group description
Key Characteristics
- Site does not meet criteria in 1a.
- Root-restrictive layer occurs within 50 cm of the soil surface.
Provisional. A provisional ecological site description has undergone quality control and quality assurance review. It contains a working state and transition model and enough information to identify the ecological site.
This site occurs on landform positions where soils are shallow to root-restrictive layers. Common examples are escarpments and structural benches. Stream channels with exposed bedrock are excluded from this group, and correlate to the Run-On Group instead.
Soil features
Soils are shallow (< 20") to a root-restrictive layer such as lithic contact (sandstone, limestone, basalt), paralithic contact (weathered shale), or petrocalcic materials (layers that are cemented by carbonates).
Major Land Resource Area
High Plateaus of the Southwestern Great Plains
- F070AY020NM–Juniperus monosperma-Pinus edulus/Bouteloua gracilis-Bouteloua curtipendula
- F070AY021NM–Pinus edulus-Juniperus monosperma/Quercus gambleii/Bouteloua curtipendula
- F070AY022NM–Pinus ponderosa-Juniperus scopulorum/Quercus gambleii
- R070AY003NM–Shallow Upland
- R070AY005NM–Shallow Sandstone
- R070AY008NM–Sandstone Breaks
- R070AY009NM–Shale Hills
- R070AY014NM–Hills
- R070AY015NM–Shallow Shale
- R070AY019NM–Shallow Savanna
Correlated Map Unit Components
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Logan Peterson
Curtis Talbot
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