Major Land Resource Area 002X
Willamette and Puget Sound Valleys
Accessed: 03/27/2025
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Ecological site list
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is not located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area is not in a tidal zone
- Area with soils that do not meet hydric criteria 1, 2, or 3
- Other soils not located in a floodplain or riparian area or has a flooding frequency of none, very rare, or rare
- Xeric sites with soils that are dry between 75 and 90 consecutive days in the soil moisture control section
- Forested sites
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is not located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area is in a tidal zone
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is not located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area is not in a tidal zone
- Area with soils that meet hydric criteria 1, 2 or 3
- Soil meets hydric criteria 1; Histosols
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is not located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area is not in a tidal zone
- Area with soils that do not meet hydric criteria 1, 2, or 3
- Other soils not located in a floodplain or riparian area or has a flooding frequency of none, very rare, or rare
- Xeric sites with soils that are dry between 45 and 75 consecutive days in the soil moisture control section
- Soils that are dry between 60 and 75 consecutive days in the soil moisture control section
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is not located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area is not in a tidal zone
- Area with soils that do not meet hydric criteria 1, 2, or 3
- Other soils not located in a floodplain or riparian area or has a flooding frequency of none, very rare, or rare
- Xeric sites with soils that are dry between 45 and 75 consecutive days in the soil moisture control section
- Soils that are dry between 45 and 60 consecutive days in the soil moisture control section
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is not located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area is not in a tidal zone
- Area with soils that do not meet hydric criteria 1, 2, or 3
- Other soils not located in a floodplain or riparian area or has a flooding frequency of none, very rare, or rare
- Xeric sites with soils that are dry between 75 and 90 consecutive days in the soil moisture control section
- Non-forested sites
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is not located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area is not in a tidal zone
- Area with soils that meet hydric criteria 1, 2 or 3
- Soil meets hydric criteria 2 or 3
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is not located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area is not in a tidal zone
- Area with soils that do not meet hydric criteria 1, 2, or 3
- Site located in a floodplain or riparian area and has flooding frequency of occasional or frequent
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Portland basin and Surrounding Hills - LRU B Portland Basin and Hills
- Area with soils that do not meet hydric criteria 1, 2, or 3
- Site not located in a floodplain or riparian area or has a flooding frequency of none, very rare, or rare
- . Xeric sites with soils that are dry between 75 and 90 consecutive days in the soil moisture control section
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Portland basin and Surrounding Hills - LRU B Portland Basin and Hills
- Area with soils that meet hydric criteria 1, 2 or 3
- Soil meets hydric criteria 1; Histosols
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Portland basin and Surrounding Hills - LRU B Portland Basin and Hills
- Area with soils that do not meet hydric criteria 1, 2, or 3
- Site not located in a floodplain or riparian area or has a flooding frequency of none, very rare, or rare
- Xeric sites with soils that are dry between 45 and 75 consecutive days in the soil moisture control section
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Portland basin and Surrounding Hills - LRU B Portland Basin and Hills
- Area with soils that meet hydric criteria 1, 2 or 3
- Soil meets hydric criteria 2 or 3
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Portland basin and Surrounding Hills - LRU B Portland Basin and Hills
- Area with soils that do not meet hydric criteria 1, 2, or 3
- Site located in a floodplain or riparian area and has flooding frequency of occasional or frequent
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Portland Basin and Surrounding Hills - LRU B Portland Basin and Hills
- Floodplains usually of the Columbia River; associated river is tidally-influenced but not brackish; annual flooding peaked in June or July prior to flood control
- Soil well to excessively well drained
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Portland Basin and Surrounding Hills - LRU B Portland Basin and Hills
- Terraces; soil formed entirely in Missoula Flood deposits
- Soil formed in sandy or gravelly glaciofluvial deposits
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Portland Basin and Surrounding Hills - LRU B Portland Basin and Hills
- Hills and valley-border landforms
- Soil rejuvenated by loess; superactive cation-exchange activity class; Inceptisols or Alfisols with fragic soil properties
- Seasonal water table usually perched above an aquitard occurs within 20 inches of the soil surface
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Portland Basin and Surrounding Hills - LRU B Portland Basin and Hills
- Hills and valley-border landforms
- Soil rejuvenated by loess; superactive cation-exchange activity class; Inceptisols or Alfisols with fragic soil properties
- Seasonal water table absent or located below 20 inches
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Portland Basin and Surrounding Hills - LRU B Portland Basin and Hills
- Hills and valley-border landforms
- Loess influence is absent or subtle; soil formed in colluvium and residuum; active cation-exchange activity class; Ultisols and Alfisols
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Willamette Valley - LRU C Willamette Valley
- Active floodplains; floods occur during winter; sandy or gravelly material in or below soil profile
- High-energy flooding with fluvial scour and sand/gravel deposition; upper part of soil is coarse-loamy or coarser; well to excessively drained
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Willamette Valley - LRU C Willamette Valley
- Active floodplains; floods occur during winter; sandy or gravelly material in or below soil profile
- Overbank deposition a dominant process; upper part of soil is fine-loamy or finer
- Soil poorly or somewhat poorly drained
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Willamette Valley - LRU C Willamette Valley
- Active floodplains; floods occur during winter; sandy or gravelly material in or below soil profile
- Overbank deposition a dominant process; upper part of soil is fine-loamy or finer
- Soil well or moderately well drained
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Willamette Valley - LRU C Willamette Valley
- Hills and valley-border landforms
- Soil >50cm to bedrock
- Hillslopes, mountain slopes, or landslides; soil parent material is residuum or colluvium
- . Younger, brown soils subject to active transport processes; Inceptisols or Alfisols
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area with soils that do not meet hydric criteria
- Forested areas
- Soils that are dry between 60 and 90 consecutive days in the soil moisture control section
- Between 75 and 90 days dry in the soil moisture control section
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area with soils that do not meet hydric criteria
- Forested areas
- Soils that are dry between 45 and 60 consecutive days in the soil moisture control section
- Soils with andic subgroups
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area with soils that do not meet hydric criteria
- Forested areas
- Soils that are dry between 45 and 60 consecutive days in the soil moisture control section
- Soils without andic subgroups
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area with soils that meet hydric criteria
- Soil meets hydric criteria 2 or 3
- Forested soil that meets hydric indicator 2 or 3
ProvisionalF002XN906WA/F002XN906WAWestern hemlock-western redcedar/red huckleberry-salal/western swordferni
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area with soils that do not meet hydric criteria
- Forested areas
- Soils that are dry between 60 and 90 consecutive days in the soil moisture control section
- Between 60 and 75 days dry in the soil moisture control section
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Portland Basin and Surrounding Hills - LRU B Portland Basin and Hills
- Floodplains usually of the Columbia River; associated river is tidally-influenced but not brackish; annual flooding peaked in June or July prior to flood control
- Soil poorly drained
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Willamette Valley - LRU C Willamette Valley
- Relict floodplains or low stream terraces; if flooding occurs, it is low-energy
- Soil very poorly drained with layers of organic soil material
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Willamette Valley - LRU C Willamette Valley
- Relict floodplains or low stream terraces; if flooding occurs, it is low-energy
- Soil poorly or somewhat poorly drained
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Willamette Valley - LRU C Willamette Valley
- Relict floodplains or low stream terraces; if flooding occurs, it is low-energy
- Soil well or moderately well drained
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Willamette Valley - LRU C Willamette Valley
- Main valley-floor; soils formed entirely in silty, clayey, or loamy Missoula Flood deposits
- Soil poorly drained or somewhat poorly drained; seasonal water table; droughty in summer
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Willamette Valley - LRU C Willamette Valley
- Main valley-floor; soils formed entirely in silty, clayey, or loamy Missoula Flood deposits
- Soil well or moderately well drained
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Willamette Valley - LRU C Willamette Valley
- Hills and valley-border landforms
- Soil < 50cm to bedrock; located on warm exposures
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Willamette Valley - LRU C Willamette Valley
- Hills and valley-border landforms
- Soil >50cm to bedrock
- Footslopes, terraces, and alluvial fans; soil usually contains a discontinuity between contrasting parent materials
- Soil poorly or somewhat poorly drained; often with a seasonally perched water table; droughty in summer
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Willamette Valley - LRU C Willamette Valley
- Hills and valley-border landforms
- Soil >50cm to bedrock
- Footslopes, terraces, and alluvial fans; soil usually contains a discontinuity between contrasting parent materials
- Soil well or moderately well drained
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in south of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in the Willamette Valley - LRU C Willamette Valley
- Hills and valley-border landforms
- Soil >50cm to bedrock
- Hillslopes, mountain slopes, or landslides; soil parent material is residuum or colluvium
- Old, red soils on stable landscape positions; Ultisols
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area with soils that do not meet hydric criteria
- Non-forested areas
- Other non-forested soils
- Soils with a lithic contact
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area with soils that do not meet hydric criteria
- Non-forested areas
- Other non-forested soils
- Soils without a lithic contact
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area with soils that meet hydric criteria
- Soil meets hydric criteria 1 or 4
- Soil meets hydric criteria 1; Histosols
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area with soils that meet hydric criteria
- Soil meets hydric criteria 2 or 3
- Non-forested soil that meets hydric indicator 2 or 3
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area with soils that meet hydric criteria
- Soil meets hydric criteria 1 or 4
- Soil meets hydric criteria 4 and is tidally influenced
Key Characteristics
- Site resides in north of the Columbia River
- Mesic areas in or near the Puget Sound that were modified by Pleistocene continental or alpine glaciation - LRU A Puget Lowlands
- Area is located in San Juan or Island Counties
- Area with soils that do not meet hydric criteria
- Non-forested areas
- Soils that are excessively drained and isolated to steep bluffs adjacent to salt water
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Ecological sites
Major Land Resource Areas
The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.