Major Land Resource Area 027X
Fallon-Lovelock Area
Accessed: 01/21/2025
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Key Characteristics
- Soil is moderately well, somewhat poorly, poorly, or very poorly drained.
- Site does not experience long duration ponding.
- Sodium adsorption ratio is less than 13.
- Seasonal water table is within 90 to 150 cm (35 to 59 inches). Site occasionally floods with an irregular decrease in organic matter. Clay is less than 5 percent.
Key Characteristics
- Soils were formed in residuum and/or colluvium.
- Soil are are derived from volcanic or mixed parent material.
- Soil is characterized by a mollic epipedon.
- Soil is less than 50 cm (19 inches) deep.
- Landform is not as above. Site occurs on backslopes on linear or slightly concave slopes.
- Soil has less than 35 percent clay in the particle size control section.
- Site has a mesic soil temperature regime.
Key Characteristics
- Soils were formed in residuum and/or colluvium.
- Soil are are derived from volcanic or mixed parent material.
- Soil is characterized by an ochric epipedon.
- Site in found on various aspects and soils lack an argillic horizon.
Key Characteristics
- Soil is moderately well, somewhat poorly, poorly, or very poorly drained.
- Soil is very poorly drained with long duration ponding.
Key Characteristics
- Soil is moderately well, somewhat poorly, poorly, or very poorly drained.
- Site does not experience long duration ponding.
- Sodium adsorption ratio is less than 13.
- Seasonal water table is within 90to 150 cm (35 to 59 inches), but other characteristics not as above.
- Sodium adsorption ratio is less than 13. (See also R027XY004NV and R027XY069NV)
Key Characteristics
- Soils are formed in alluvium and are very deep.
- Soils are well drained. The site receives fun in moisture, but does not have a water table.
Key Characteristics
- Soils are formed in alluvium and are very deep.
- Soils are poorly drained with a seasonal high water table within 50 cm (19 inches) of the soil surface. The slopes are less than 5 percent.
Key Characteristics
- Soil is moderately well, somewhat poorly, poorly, or very poorly drained.
- Site does not experience long duration ponding.
- Sodium adsorption ratio is less than 13.
- Seasonal water table is within 90to 150 cm (35 to 59 inches), but other characteristics not as above.
- Sodium adsorption ratio is greater than 13. (See also R027XY090NV)
Key Characteristics
- Soil is moderately well, somewhat poorly, poorly, or very poorly drained.
- Site does not experience long duration ponding.
- Sodium adsorption ratio is greater than 13.
- Electrical conductivity is less than 16 and the water table is 30 to 90 cm (12 to 35 inches).
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture is aridic trending xeric.
- Soils were formed in residuum and/or colluvium.
- Parent material is volcanic or mixed.
- Site is not found on south aspects.
- Soils lack an abrupt boundary with clay accumulation.
- Soil is loamy and rocky with less than 35 percent clay.
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture is aridic trending xeric.
- Soils were formed in alluvium.
- Soil is well drained.
- Parent material is not granitic.
- Elevation is less than 5,000 feet and occurs on inset fans.
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture regime is typic aridic.
- Soil is not as above, greater than 50 cm (19 inches) to a root restrictive layer.
- Soil is somewhat excessively drained or excessively drained.
- Site does not occur on dunes.
- Site occurs on sandsheets.
Key Characteristics
- Soil is well or excessively drained.
- Soil not as above.
- Landform not as above.
- Site receives more than 5 inches MAP.
- Sodium adsorption ratio is greater than 30.
- Site does not experience ponding and occurs on fan skirts and/or lake terraces.
- Soil has a thin platy structure and a well developed vesicular pores in the A horizon. It is typically found above fan skirts. (See also R027XY018NV)
- Soil moisture regime is typic aridic.
- Soil is not as above, greater than 50 cm (19 inches) to a root restrictive layer.
- Soils are well drained.
- Soil is characterized by an argillic horizon (increase subsurface clay accumulation) and is loamy sand to loam on the soil surface.
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture regime is typic aridic.
- Soil is not as above, greater than 50 cm (19 inches) to a root restrictive layer.
- Soils are well drained.
- Soil is not as above and is effervescent throughout.
- Soil is violently effervescent throughout with a silt loam surface texture.
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture regime is typic aridic.
- Soil depth is less than 50 cm (19 inches) to a root restrictive layer.
- Parent material not as above.
- Soil not as above.
- Site not found on a south aspect.
- Site occurs on summits.
Key Characteristics
- Soil is well or excessively drained.
- Site has sandy texture throughout and does not have rock fragments (site is typically excessively drained).
- Site occurs on dunes.
- Sodium adsorption ratio is greater than 4.
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture regime is typic aridic.
- Soil depth is less than 50 cm (19 inches) to a root restrictive layer.
- Parent material not as above.
- Soil not as above.
- Site found on a dominantly south aspect.
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture regime is typic aridic.
- Soil depth is less than 50 cm (19 inches) to a root restrictive layer.
- Parent material not as above.
- Soil not as above.
- Site not found on a south aspect.
- Landscape position not as above.
- Soils have subsurface clay accumulation.
- Soils are shallow to a duripan.
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture regime is typic aridic.
- Soil depth is less than 50 cm (19 inches) to a root restrictive layer.
- Parent material not as above.
- Soil not as above.
- Site not found on a south aspect.
- Landscape position not as above.
- Soils have subsurface clay accumulation.
- Soil lacks a duripan.
Key Characteristics
- Soil is well or excessively drained.
- Site has sandy texture throughout and does not have rock fragments (site is typically excessively drained).
- Site occurs on dunes.
- Sodium adsorption ratio is less than 4.
- Soil moisture regime is typic aridic.
- Soil is not as above, greater than 50 cm (19 inches) to a root restrictive layer.
- Soil is somewhat excessively drained or excessively drained.
- Site occurs on dunes.
Key Characteristics
- Soil is well or excessively drained.
- Soil not as above.
- Landform not as above.
- Site receives more than 5 inches MAP.
- Sodium adsorption ratio is greater than 30.
- Site does not experience ponding and occurs on fan skirts and/or lake terraces.
- Soil has thin platy structure and has a well developed vesicular pores in the A horizon. It is typically located on fan skirts. (See also R024XY003NV and R023XG046CA)
Key Characteristics
- Soil is well or excessively drained.
- Soil not as above.
- Landform not as above.
- Site receives more than 5 inches MAP.
- Sodium adsorption ratio is greater than 30.
- Site experiences occasional ponding, is on less than 1 percent slopes, and occurs on alluvial flats. (See also R023XG047CA and R027XY094NV)
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture regime is typic aridic.
- Soil depth is less than 50 cm (19 inches) to a root restrictive layer.
- Parent material not as above.
- Soil not as above.
- Site not found on a south aspect.
- Landscape position not as above.
- Soil lacks a subsurface clay accumulation (no argillic horizon).
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture is aridic trending xeric.
- Soils were formed in alluvium.
- Soil is somewhat excessively drained or excessively drained.
- Site occurs in ephemeral drainageways.
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture is aridic trending xeric.
- Soils were formed in residuum and/or colluvium.
- Parent material is volcanic or mixed.
- Site is not found on south aspects.
- Soils lack an abrupt boundary with clay accumulation.
- Soils are clayey and rocky with more than 35 percent clay.
- Soil profile lacks carbonate accumulation on the bedrock contact. Soil/site supports black sagebrush (Artemisia nova).
Key Characteristics
- Soil is well or excessively drained.
- Soil not as above.
- Landform not as above.
- Site receives more than 5 inches MAP.
- Sodium adsorption ratio is less than 30.
- Soil does not have a Bt horizon (less than 18 percent clay in the particle size control section). The water table is below 200 cm (79 inches). (See also R027XY078NV, this site is less calcareous throughout)
Key Characteristics
- Soil is well or excessively drained.
- Soil not as above.
- Landform not as above.
- Site receives more than 5 inches MAP.
- Sodium adsorption ratio is greater than 30.
- Site does not experience ponding and occurs on fan skirts and/or lake terraces.
- Soil has a thick platy structure and is typically found on lake terraces.
Key Characteristics
- Soil is well or excessively drained.
- Soil not as above.
- Landform not as above.
- Site receives less than 5 inches of mean annual precipitation (MAP).
- Site has greater than 35 percent rock fragments.
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture is aridic trending xeric.
- Soils were formed in alluvium.
- Soil is well drained.
- Parent material is not granitic.
- Elevation is greater than 5,000 feet and occurs on inset fans.
Key Characteristics
- Soils were formed in residuum and/or colluvium.
- Soil are are derived from volcanic or mixed parent material.
- Soil is characterized by a mollic epipedon.
- Soil is less than 50 cm (19 inches) deep.
- Landform is not as above. Site occurs on backslopes on linear or slightly concave slopes.
- Clay is greater than 35 percent in the particle size control section.
- Slopes are greater than 30 percent.
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture regime is typic aridic.
- Soil depth is less than 50 cm (19 inches) to a root restrictive layer.
- Soil has granite parent material.
Key Characteristics
- Soil is well or excessively drained.
- Soil not as above.
- Landform not as above.
- Site receives more than 5 inches MAP.
- Sodium adsorption ratio is less than 30.
- Soil has a Bt horizon (clay is between 18 and 35 percent in the particle size control section). This site does not have a water table.
- Soil moisture regime is typic aridic.
- Soil is not as above, greater than 50 cm (19 inches) to a root restrictive layer.
- Soils are well drained.
- Soil is not as above and is effervescent throughout.
- Effervescence is strongest in the Bk horizon. The pH is greater than 9.0 in the Bk. Soil has a gravelly sandy loam surface texture.
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture is aridic trending xeric.
- Soils were formed in residuum and/or colluvium.
- Parent material is volcanic or mixed.
- Site is found predominately on south aspects.
- Soils were formed in residuum and/or colluvium.
- Soil are are derived from volcanic or mixed parent material.
- Soil is characterized by an ochric epipedon.
- Site is found on south aspects. Soils have an argillic horizon (increase in clay accumulation).
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture is aridic trending xeric.
- Soils were formed in alluvium.
- Soil is somewhat excessively drained or excessively drained.
- Site occurs on dunes and is sandy throughout.
Key Characteristics
- Soils were formed in residuum and/or colluvium.
- Soil are are derived from volcanic or mixed parent material.
- Soil is characterized by a mollic epipedon.
- Soil is deeper than 50 cm (19 inches).
- Soil is 50 to 100 cm (19 to 39 inches) deep.
- Soil has less than 35 percent rock fragments and less than 35 percent clay in the particle size control section.
Key Characteristics
- Soil is well or excessively drained.
- Soil not as above.
- Landform not as above.
- Site receives less than 5 inches of mean annual precipitation (MAP).
- Site has less than 35 percent rock fragments.
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture is aridic trending xeric.
- Soils were formed in alluvium.
- Soil is well drained.
- Soil parent material is granitic.
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture is aridic trending xeric.
- Soils were formed in residuum and/or colluvium.
- Soils formed in granitic parent material.
- Soil is characterized by an ochric epipedon.
- Soil has greater than 18 percent clay.
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture is aridic trending xeric.
- Soils were formed in residuum and/or colluvium.
- Parent material is volcanic or mixed.
- Site is not found on south aspects.
- Soils lack an abrupt boundary with clay accumulation.
- Soils are clayey and rocky with more than 35 percent clay.
- Soils have carbonate accumulation on the bedrock contact. This soil/site supports little sagebrush (Artemisia arbuscula ssp. longicaulis).
Key Characteristics
- Soils were formed in residuum and/or colluvium.
- Soils are derived from granitic parent material.
- Soils are less than 50 cm (19 inches) deep.
Key Characteristics
- Soils were formed in residuum and/or colluvium.
- Soils are derived from granitic parent material.
- Soils are 50 to 100 cm (19 to 39 inches) deep.
Key Characteristics
- Soil is moderately well, somewhat poorly, poorly, or very poorly drained.
- Site does not experience long duration ponding.
- Sodium adsorption ratio is greater than 13.
- Electrical conductivity is greater than 16.
- Water table is between 50 and 100 cm (19 and 39 inches).
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture is aridic trending xeric.
- Soils were formed in residuum and/or colluvium.
- Soils formed in granitic parent material.
- Soil is characterized by a mollic epipedon.
- Soils were formed in residuum and/or colluvium.
- Soil are are derived from volcanic or mixed parent material.
- Soil is characterized by a mollic epipedon.
- Soil is deeper than 50 cm (19 inches).
- Soil is 50 to 100 cm (19 to 39 inches) deep.
- Soil has greater than 35 percent rock fragments and greater than 35 percent clay in the particle size control section.
Key Characteristics
- Soil is moderately well, somewhat poorly, poorly, or very poorly drained.
- Site does not experience long duration ponding.
- Sodium adsorption ratio is greater than 13.
- Electrical conductivity is greater than 16.
- Water table is between 0 and 50 cm (0 and 19 inches).
Key Characteristics
- Soil moisture regime is typic aridic.
- Soil depth is less than 50 cm (19 inches) to a root restrictive layer.
- Parent material not as above.
- Soil formed in lacustrine deposits
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Ecological sites
Major Land Resource Areas
The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.