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Ecological site R047XA320UT

Upland Shallow Loam (Wyoming big sagebrush)

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 047X / Ecological site R047XA320UT

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T1a - non-native plants and domestic livestock are introduced to the site
T2a - Extended drought in combination with excessive grazing
T2b - non-native perennial grass seed is established on the site following tillage, wildfire, or other removal of the existing vegetation
T3a - non-native perennial grass seed is established on the site following tillage, wildfire, or other removal of the existing vegetation
T4a - Extended drought in combination with excessive grazing
1.1a - fire or other shrub-removal disturbance
1.1b - fire or other shrub-removal disturbance
1.2a - Time following disturbance
1.2b - an increase in sprouting shrubs, possibly due to repeated fires over a short time period
1.3a - Time following disturbance
2.1a - fire or other shrub-removal disturbance
2.1b - fire or other shrub-removal disturbance
2.2a - Time following disturbance
2.2b - an increase in sprouting shrubs, possibly due to repeated fires over a short time period
2.3a - Time following disturbance

State 3 submodel, plant communities

State 4 submodel, plant communities