Natural Resources
Conservation Service
Ecological site R237XY208AK
Western Alaska Maritime Scrubland Peat Depressions
Last updated: 7/23/2020
Accessed: 12/22/2024
General information
Provisional. A provisional ecological site description has undergone quality control and quality assurance review. It contains a working state and transition model and enough information to identify the ecological site.
MLRA notes
Major Land Resource Area (MLRA): 237X–Ahklun Mountains
The Ahklun Mountains Major Land Resource Area (MLRA 237) is in western Alaska (fig. 3). This MLRA covers approximately 14,555 square miles, and it includes the mountains, hills, and valleys of the Kilbuck Mountains in the north and the Ahklun Mountains in the south. Except for the Kilbuck Mountains and the highest ridges of the Ahklun Mountains, the MLRA was extensively glaciated during the Pleistocene (Kautz et al., 2004). Today, a few small glaciers persist in mountainous cirques (Gallant et al., 1995). The present-day landscape and landforms reflect this glacial history; glacial moraines and glacial drift cover much of the area (USDA-NRCS, 2006). The landscape of the MLRA is primarily defined by low, steep, rugged mountains cut by narrow-to-broad valleys. Flood plains and terraces of varying sizes are common at the lower elevations in the valley bottoms. Glacially carved valleys host many lakes. Togiak Lake is one of the largest lakes in the region. It is 13 miles long and about 9,500 acres in size. Major rivers include the Goodnews, Togiak, Kanektok, Osviak, Eek, and Arolik Rivers. Where the Goodnews and Togiak Rivers reach the coast, the nearly level to rolling deltas support numerous small lakes.
This MLRA has two distinct climatic zones: subarctic continental and maritime continental (fig. 4). The high-elevation areas are in the subarctic continental zone. The mean annual precipitation is more than 75 inches, and the mean annual air temperature is below about 27 degrees F (-3 degrees C) in extreme locations. The warmer, drier areas at the lower elevations are in the maritime continental zone. The mean annual precipitation is 20 to 50 inches, and the mean annual air temperature is about 30 to 32 degrees F (-0.2 to 1.2 degrees C) (PRISM). This climatic zone is influenced by both maritime and continental factors. The temperatures in summer are moderated by the open waters of the Bering Sea, and the temperatures in winter are more continental due to the presence of ice in the sea (Western Regional Climate Center, 2017). The seasonal ice reaches its southernmost extent off the coast of Alaska in Bristol Bay (Alaska Climate Research Center, 2017). The western coast of Alaska is also influenced by high winds from strong storms and airmasses in the Interior Region of Alaska (Hartmann, 2002).
The Ahklun Mountains MLRA is principally undeveloped wilderness. Federally managed lands include the Togiak and Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuges. The MLRA is sparsely populated, but it has several communities, including Togiak, Manokotak, Twin Hills, and Goodnews Bay. Togiak is the largest village. It has a population of approximately 855, most of which are Yup’ik Alaska Natives (U.S. Census Bureau, 2016). Major land uses include subsistence activities (fishing, hunting, and gathering) and wildlife recreation (USDA-NRCS, 2006; Kautz et al., 2004).
Ecological site concept
Ecological site R237XY208AK is in organic depressions of flood plains, plains, mountain valleys, and shore complexes throughout the Ahklun Mountains area. Landform, soil characteristics, and hydrology influence the existing plants and create a unique ecological site. This site is correlated to four distinct, very poorly drained soils. The reference state supports the reference plant community and an early community phase caused by ponding.
The reference plant community is an open low scrubland (Viereck et al., 1992). Facultative and obligate wetland plants are dominant in this community. Common plants include dwarf birch (Betula nana), bog blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum), black crowberry (Empetrum nigrum), cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus), sweetgale (Myrica gale), water sedge (Carex aquatilis), and tufted bulrush (Trichophorum cespitosum).
Associated sites
R237XY226AK |
Western Alaska Maritime Grassland Peat Flood Plains, Depression Ecological site R237XY208AK is in organic depressions of plains, mountain valleys, flood plains, and shore complexes. Dominant ecological sites associated with this site include R237XY201AK, R237XY205AK, R237XY215AK, R237XY220AK, R237XY222AK, R237XY223AK, R237XY226AK, and R237XY236AK. These sites typically are differentiated by one or more criteria, including landform, landform position, associated soils, associated disturbance regimes, and the type and amount of plants. Ecotonal plant communities that have characteristics from more than one ecological site are in areas where these sites abut. This is especially noticeable in smaller depressions where species from surrounding sites extend farther into the depressional area. |
R237XY220AK |
Western Alaska Maritime Mosaic Loamy Hummocks Ecological site R237XY208AK is in organic depressions of plains, mountain valleys, flood plains, and shore complexes. Dominant ecological sites associated with this site include R237XY201AK, R237XY205AK, R237XY215AK, R237XY220AK, R237XY222AK, R237XY223AK, R237XY226AK, and R237XY236AK. These sites typically are differentiated by one or more criteria, including landform, landform position, associated soils, associated disturbance regimes, and the type and amount of plants. Ecotonal plant communities that have characteristics from more than one ecological site are in areas where these sites abut. This is especially noticeable in smaller depressions where species from surrounding sites extend farther into the depressional area. |
R237XY222AK |
Western Alaska Maritime Scrubland Loamy Hummocks Ecological site R237XY208AK is in organic depressions of plains, mountain valleys, flood plains, and shore complexes. Dominant ecological sites associated with this site include R237XY201AK, R237XY205AK, R237XY215AK, R237XY220AK, R237XY222AK, R237XY223AK, R237XY226AK, and R237XY236AK. These sites typically are differentiated by one or more criteria, including landform, landform position, associated soils, associated disturbance regimes, and the type and amount of plants. Ecotonal plant communities that have characteristics from more than one ecological site are in areas where these sites abut. This is especially noticeable in smaller depressions where species from surrounding sites extend farther into the depressional area. |
R237XY223AK |
Western Alaska Maritime Graminoid Gravelly Plains, Berms Ecological site R237XY208AK is in organic depressions of plains, mountain valleys, flood plains, and shore complexes. Dominant ecological sites associated with this site include R237XY201AK, R237XY205AK, R237XY215AK, R237XY220AK, R237XY222AK, R237XY223AK, R237XY226AK, and R237XY236AK. These sites typically are differentiated by one or more criteria, including landform, landform position, associated soils, associated disturbance regimes, and the type and amount of plants. Ecotonal plant communities that have characteristics from more than one ecological site are in areas where these sites abut. This is especially noticeable in smaller depressions where species from surrounding sites extend farther into the depressional area. |
R237XY201AK |
Western Alaska Maritime Scrubland Gravelly Slopes Ecological site R237XY208AK is in organic depressions of plains, mountain valleys, flood plains, and shore complexes. Dominant ecological sites associated with this site include R237XY201AK, R237XY205AK, R237XY215AK, R237XY220AK, R237XY222AK, R237XY223AK, R237XY226AK, and R237XY236AK. These sites typically are differentiated by one or more criteria, including landform, landform position, associated soils, associated disturbance regimes, and the type and amount of plants. Ecotonal plant communities that have characteristics from more than one ecological site are in areas where these sites abut. This is especially noticeable in smaller depressions where species from surrounding sites extend farther into the depressional area. |
R237XY205AK |
Western Alaska Maritime Scrubland Loamy Swales Ecological site R237XY208AK is in organic depressions of plains, mountain valleys, flood plains, and shore complexes. Dominant ecological sites associated with this site include R237XY201AK, R237XY205AK, R237XY215AK, R237XY220AK, R237XY222AK, R237XY223AK, R237XY226AK, and R237XY236AK. These sites typically are differentiated by one or more criteria, including landform, landform position, associated soils, associated disturbance regimes, and the type and amount of plants. Ecotonal plant communities that have characteristics from more than one ecological site are in areas where these sites abut. This is especially noticeable in smaller depressions where species from surrounding sites extend farther into the depressional area. |
R237XY215AK |
Western Alaska Maritime Scrubland Loamy Plains Ecological site R237XY208AK is in organic depressions of plains, mountain valleys, flood plains, and shore complexes. Dominant ecological sites associated with this site include R237XY201AK, R237XY205AK, R237XY215AK, R237XY220AK, R237XY222AK, R237XY223AK, R237XY226AK, and R237XY236AK. These sites typically are differentiated by one or more criteria, including landform, landform position, associated soils, associated disturbance regimes, and the type and amount of plants. Ecotonal plant communities that have characteristics from more than one ecological site are in areas where these sites abut. This is especially noticeable in smaller depressions where species from surrounding sites extend farther into the depressional area. |
R237XY236AK |
Western Alaska Maritime Graminoid Peat Plains Ecological site R237XY208AK is in organic depressions of plains, mountain valleys, flood plains, and shore complexes. Dominant ecological sites associated with this site include R237XY201AK, R237XY205AK, R237XY215AK, R237XY220AK, R237XY222AK, R237XY223AK, R237XY226AK, and R237XY236AK. These sites typically are differentiated by one or more criteria, including landform, landform position, associated soils, associated disturbance regimes, and the type and amount of plants. Ecotonal plant communities that have characteristics from more than one ecological site are in areas where these sites abut. This is especially noticeable in smaller depressions where species from surrounding sites extend farther into the depressional area. |
Similar sites
R237XY204AK |
Western Alaska Maritime Scrubland Loamy Slopes Ecological site R237XY208AK is unique. Sites R237XY204AK and R237XY224AK also support low and dwarf shrubs and have some plant species that are in site R237XY208AK; however, site R237XY208AK does not support the large communities of lichen common in the reference plant community of sites R237XY204AK and R237XY224AK. |
R237XY224AK |
Western Alaska Maritime Scrubland Gravelly Plains, Berms Ecological site R237XY208AK is unique. Sites R237XY204AK and R237XY224AK also support low and dwarf shrubs and have some plant species that are in site R237XY208AK; however, site R237XY208AK does not support the large communities of lichen common in the reference plant community of sites R237XY204AK and R237XY224AK. |
R237XY226AK |
Western Alaska Maritime Grassland Peat Flood Plains, Depression Ecological site R237XY208AK is on landforms similar to those of site R237XY226AK, which is associated with mineral depressions. These ecological sites are differentiated by the shrubs (ericaceous versus willow), graminoids (cottongrasses and bulrushes versus bluejoint), and soils (organic versus mineral). |
Figure 1. Some areas of ecological site R237XY208AK are associated with ponds or lakes.
Figure 2. The early ponding community consists dominantly of graminoids.
Table 1. Dominant plant species
Tree |
Not specified |
Shrub |
(1) Vaccinium uliginosum |
Herbaceous |
(1) Trichophorum |
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Ecosystem states
State 1 submodel, plant communities
1.1A | - | Longer, more frequent periods of ponding |
1.2A | - | Shorter, less frequent periods of ponding |