Major Land Resource Area 042B
Southern Rio Grande Rift
Accessed: 01/24/2025
MLRA 42B Southern Rio Grande Rift is a subdivision of the Basin and Range province and falls within the Northern most extend of the Chihuahuan Desert. The rift is a string of alluvium-filled open and closed basins connected to the Rio Grande and Tularosa basins. The MLRA is distinguished by north to south trending mountains and valleys, steep fault-block sedimentary mountains, extinct volcanic hills, and lava flows. Elevation ranges from 3,500 to 8,500 ft. Ecological communities of this MLRA include basin and tributary riparian areas, gypsiferous dune fields, desert grasslands, desert shrublands, savanna hills, and pinyon-juniper woodlands. Most of the rangeland is federally or state owned with livestock grazing and outdoor recreation being the major land use. Most of the river valley is under cultivation and utilizes both surface and ground water for irrigation. The major crops are pecans, chili, onion, alfalfa, and ensilage for dairy cattle. The remainder of the valley is in residential and commercial use.
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Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site is hypergypsic, soils having>15% gypsum with Gypsic, or a Hypergypsic minerology class
- Site occurs within basin floor or piedmont slopes
- Site lacustrine or relict lacustrine
- Site on a pluvial lake plane or playa lake plane and/or 0.5 % slopes with surfacing watertable. Alkali Flat
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site is hypergypsic, soils having>15% gypsum with Gypsic, or a Hypergypsic minerology class
- Site occurs within basin floor or piedmont slopes
- Site an eolian deposit
- Site is on an active dune field
- Site located on crest to footslope of dune
- Dunes are barchan or Transverse. These are very active dunes and typically occur adjacent to gyp source. Gyp Duneland Barren
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site is hypergypsic, soils having>15% gypsum with Gypsic, or a Hypergypsic minerology class
- Site occurs within basin floor or piedmont slopes
- Site an eolian deposit
- Site is on an active dune field
- Site located on crest to footslope of dune
- Dunes are parabolic in shape. Site typically not adjacent to gypsum source, and occurs downwind from barchan and transverse dunes. Gyp Dune Vegetated
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site is hypergypsic, soils having>15% gypsum with Gypsic, or a Hypergypsic minerology class
- Site occurs within basin floor or piedmont slopes
- Site an eolian deposit
- Site is on an active dune field
- Site located in the interdune (dune toeslope to lowest point in interdune)
- Depth to water table < 24 inches, site surface soil will have wind scouring or be slightly indurated. Gyp Interdune Wet
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site is hypergypsic, soils having>15% gypsum with Gypsic, or a Hypergypsic minerology class
- Site occurs within basin floor or piedmont slopes
- Site an eolian deposit
- Site is on an active dune field
- Site located in the interdune (dune toeslope to lowest point in interdune)
- Depth to watertable >24 inches. Surface soils may have some wind scouring however will not be indurated, some recent soil deposit is evident. Gyp Interdune Dry
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site is hypergypsic, soils having>15% gypsum with Gypsic, or a Hypergypsic minerology class
- Site occurs within basin floor or piedmont slopes
- Site an eolian deposit
- Site not in active dune field.
- Soil surface not indurated, cemented gyp when present occurs at > 50cm depth. Gyp Upland
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site is hypergypsic, soils having>15% gypsum with Gypsic, or a Hypergypsic minerology class
- Site occurs within basin floor or piedmont slopes
- Site an eolian deposit
- Site not in active dune field.
- gypsum cementation occurs within 50 cm of soil surface. Site cover is dominated with hairy crinkle mat and crypto crust. Gyp Out Crop
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site is hypergypsic, soils having>15% gypsum with Gypsic, or a Hypergypsic minerology class
- Site occurs within basin floor or piedmont slopes
- Site lacustrine or relict lacustrine
- Site concave ,0.5% slope, ponds water, and is void of vegetation. Gyp Playa
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- landform is piedmont
- Site not a drainageway
- Site alluvial and colluvial
- Soils have restrictive features within 20 inches of the soil surface. Gravelly
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- landform is piedmont
- Site not a drainageway
- Site alluvial and colluvial
- Soils have greater than 35 percent gravel by volume Very Gravelly
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- landform is piedmont
- Site not a drainageway
- Site aeolian sand deposit and
- Sand deposits are > 3 feet thick, sandy textures throughout. Indicator species Giant dropseed, mesa dropseed. Deep Sand
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- landform is piedmont
- Site not a drainageway
- Site aeolian sand deposit and
- Sand deposits are < 3 feet but greater than 20 inches thick. May have a loamy sand surface texture.
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site is hypergypsic, soils having>15% gypsum with Gypsic, or a Hypergypsic minerology class
- Site occurs on hills or mountains- Gyp Hills
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- landform is piedmont
- Site not a drainageway
- Site alluvial and colluvial
- Soils have less than 15 percent gravel by volume.
- Water shedding positions. Loamy
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- landform is piedmont
- Site not a drainageway
- Site aeolian sand deposit and
- Soils are shallow sand deposits less than 20 inches thick, or sandy material is over a contrasting soil texture or other restrictive soil features Shallow sands
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- Landform is basin floor or relict basin floor
- Eolian Parent Material consisting of sand and loamy sand textures
- Soil has a restrictive layer within 20 inches
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- landform is piedmont
- Site is a drainageway. Draw
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- Landform is basin floor or relict basin floor
- Alluvial Parent Material
- Non-Saline
- Slope 0 to 1 % and not highly calcareous. Dominant species include giant sacaton, tobosa, vine mesquite.
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- landform is piedmont
- Site not a drainageway
- Site alluvial and colluvial
- Soils have less than 15 percent gravel by volume.
- Water receiving areas, less than 1% slope
- Soils are loamy throughout, and are highly calcareous within 6 inches of the soil surface. Limy
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- Landform is basin floor or relict basin floor
- Alluvial Parent Material
- Non-Saline
- Slopes 1 .to 1.5 % highly calcareous site dominated by Burrograss
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- Landscape is hills and mountains
- Site is limestone or of limestone parent material. Limestone Hills
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- landform is piedmont
- Site not a drainageway
- Site alluvial and colluvial
- Soils have less than 15 percent gravel by volume.
- Water receiving areas, less than 1% slope
- Clayey textures throughout, slightly calcareous. Clayey
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- Landform is basin floor or relict basin floor
- Alluvial Parent Material
- Non-Saline
- Soils form in water shedding areas, rises
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- landform is piedmont
- Site not a drainageway
- Site alluvial and colluvial
- Soils have less than 35 percent gravel by volume but greater than 15 percent gravel.
- Soils are sandy throughout. Gravelly sand
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- Landscape is hills and mountains
- Site is of igneous parent materials other than basalt, or is sedimentary material other than limestone. Hills
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- Landform is basin floor or relict basin floor
- Alluvial Parent Material
- Saline or Alkaline soils, halophyte plants iodine bush, pickleweed or salt tolerant plants such as inland salt grass, alkali sacaton, atriplex spp.
- Salt concentrations on soil surface
- Adjacent to water and sub irrigated
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- Landform is basin floor or relict basin floor
- Alluvial Parent Material
- Saline or Alkaline soils, halophyte plants iodine bush, pickleweed or salt tolerant plants such as inland salt grass, alkali sacaton, atriplex spp.
- Salt concentrations on soil surface
- Drainageways and flood plains
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- landform is piedmont
- Site not a drainageway
- Site alluvial and colluvial
- Soils have less than 35 percent gravel by volume but greater than 15 percent gravel.
- All other soils. Gravelly Loam
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- Landform is basin floor or relict basin floor
- Alluvial Parent Material
- Saline or Alkaline soils, halophyte plants iodine bush, pickleweed or salt tolerant plants such as inland salt grass, alkali sacaton, atriplex spp.
- No salt concentrations at surface
- Alluvial Flats - not sub-irrigated and does not pond water
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site basalt flow, basalt hill or cinder cone. Malpais
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- Landform is basin floor or relict basin floor
- Basalt Parent Material
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42BE Cool Desert Grassland. This LRU occurs at 4700-5600ft elevation. It has PZ of 11-12 inches, and has temp. regime of thermic and a moisture regime Typic of aridic. Vegetation is grassland and shrub savanna.
- Landscape is Piedmont
- Soils are sandy to sandy loam or sandy material is over a various soil textures or restrictive soil features
- Soil not gravelly < 15% gravel
- Soils sandy loam deposits 20 -36 in depth, – Sandy
- LRU 42BE Cool Desert Grassland. This LRU occurs at 4700-5600ft elevation. It has PZ of 11-12 inches, and has temp. regime of thermic and a moisture regime Typic of aridic. Vegetation is grassland and shrub savanna.
- Landscape is basin floor. These ES sites occur at the northern most extent of the MLRA 42B and LRU 42BE.
- Eolian Parent Material consisting of sand and loamy sand textures
- Soil depth between 20 to 72 inches in depth. Sandy
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42BE Cool Desert Grassland. This LRU occurs at 4700-5600ft elevation. It has PZ of 11-12 inches, and has temp. regime of thermic and a moisture regime Typic of aridic. Vegetation is grassland and shrub savanna.
- Landscape is Piedmont
- Soils are clayey to sandy loam
- Not in a drainage
- Soil is loamy to loamy sand surface with Loamy subsurface, <35% Clay – Burrograss is an indicator specie-Loamy
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42BE Cool Desert Grassland. This LRU occurs at 4700-5600ft elevation. It has PZ of 11-12 inches, and has temp. regime of thermic and a moisture regime Typic of aridic. Vegetation is grassland and shrub savanna.
- Landscape is Piedmont
- Soils are clayey to sandy loam
- Site Loamy and Gravelly- Gravelly Sand
- LRU 42BE Cool Desert Grassland. This LRU occurs at 4700-5600ft elevation. It has PZ of 11-12 inches, and has temp. regime of thermic and a moisture regime Typic of aridic. Vegetation is grassland and shrub savanna.
- Landscape is Piedmont
- Soils are sandy to sandy loam or sandy material is over a various soil textures or restrictive soil features
- Soils >15% gravel – Gravelly Sand ES
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42.BB Desert Shrub. These sites are typically below 5200 ft., including hills below 5300 ft elevation. PZ is 9-10 PZ, Temp. Regime is thermic, Moisture Regime is Typic Aridic.
- Site not Hypergypsic.
- Landform is basin floor or relict basin floor
- Eolian Parent Material consisting of sand and loamy sand textures
- soil does not have a restrictive layer within 20 inches
- LRU 42BE Cool Desert Grassland. This LRU occurs at 4700-5600ft elevation. It has PZ of 11-12 inches, and has temp. regime of thermic and a moisture regime Typic of aridic. Vegetation is grassland and shrub savanna.
- Landscape is Piedmont
- Soils are sandy to sandy loam or sandy material is over a various soil textures or restrictive soil features
- Soil not gravelly < 15% gravel
- Soils sandy to loamy sand eolian Deposits > 3 feet in depth and sandy textures throughout. Site is undulating or dunes, Giant Dropseed is an indicator species - Deep Sand
- LRU 42BE Cool Desert Grassland. This LRU occurs at 4700-5600ft elevation. It has PZ of 11-12 inches, and has temp. regime of thermic and a moisture regime Typic of aridic. Vegetation is grassland and shrub savanna.
- Landscape is basin floor. These ES sites occur at the northern most extent of the MLRA 42B and LRU 42BE.
- Eolian Parent Material consisting of sand and loamy sand textures
- Soil depth >72 inches and undulating to dunes. Deep Sand
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42BE Cool Desert Grassland. This LRU occurs at 4700-5600ft elevation. It has PZ of 11-12 inches, and has temp. regime of thermic and a moisture regime Typic of aridic. Vegetation is grassland and shrub savanna.
- Landscape is basin floor. These ES sites occur at the northern most extent of the MLRA 42B and LRU 42BE.
- Alluvial Parent Material not sub-irrigated no shallow watertable
- Saline soils without salt concentrations at surface salty. Dominant shrub Atriplex sp. Salty Bottomland ES
- LRU 42BE Cool Desert Grassland. This LRU occurs at 4700-5600ft elevation. It has PZ of 11-12 inches, and has temp. regime of thermic and a moisture regime Typic of aridic. Vegetation is grassland and shrub savanna.
- Landscape is basin floor. These ES sites occur at the northern most extent of the MLRA 42B and LRU 42BE.
- Site alluvial has shallow water table, or seasonal shallow watertable
- Site Saline. Dominant species inland saltgrass, alkali sacaton, atriplex sp. Salty Bottomland
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42BE Cool Desert Grassland. This LRU occurs at 4700-5600ft elevation. It has PZ of 11-12 inches, and has temp. regime of thermic and a moisture regime Typic of aridic. Vegetation is grassland and shrub savanna.
- Landscape is basin floor. These ES sites occur at the northern most extent of the MLRA 42B and LRU 42BE.
- Alluvial Parent Material not sub-irrigated no shallow watertable
- Non-Saline. Bottomland ES
- LRU 42BE Cool Desert Grassland. This LRU occurs at 4700-5600ft elevation. It has PZ of 11-12 inches, and has temp. regime of thermic and a moisture regime Typic of aridic. Vegetation is grassland and shrub savanna.
- Landscape is basin floor. These ES sites occur at the northern most extent of the MLRA 42B and LRU 42BE.
- Site alluvial has shallow water table, or seasonal shallow watertable
- Site not saline Giant Sacaton. Bottomland
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42BE Cool Desert Grassland. This LRU occurs at 4700-5600ft elevation. It has PZ of 11-12 inches, and has temp. regime of thermic and a moisture regime Typic of aridic. Vegetation is grassland and shrub savanna.
- Landscape is Hills
- Site shallow to moderately deep highly dissected- Mesa Breaks
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42BE Cool Desert Grassland. This LRU occurs at 4700-5600ft elevation. It has PZ of 11-12 inches, and has temp. regime of thermic and a moisture regime Typic of aridic. Vegetation is grassland and shrub savanna.
- Landscape is Piedmont
- Soils are clayey to sandy loam
- Not in a drainage
- Soil have Clay to Clay loam surface and Clayey subsurface > 35%= Clay, Alkali sacaton is an indicator specie -Clayey
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42BE Cool Desert Grassland. This LRU occurs at 4700-5600ft elevation. It has PZ of 11-12 inches, and has temp. regime of thermic and a moisture regime Typic of aridic. Vegetation is grassland and shrub savanna.
- Landscape is Piedmont
- Soils are clayey to sandy loam
- Site in a drainageway– Swale ES
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42BE Cool Desert Grassland. This LRU occurs at 4700-5600ft elevation. It has PZ of 11-12 inches, and has temp. regime of thermic and a moisture regime Typic of aridic. Vegetation is grassland and shrub savanna.
- Landscape is Piedmont
- Soils are clayey to sandy loam
- Not in a drainage
- Soils hypergypsic > 15% gypsum with Gypsic or Hypergypsic minerology class- Gyp upland
Key Characteristics
- LRU 42BF Desert Foothills. This LRU occurs in mountains footslope and foothills with elevation an elevation range of 5400 - 7100 ft. Annual precipitation ranges from 13-15 inches. Vegetation includes both Tree savanna, mixed shrublands, and mixed P-J Veg. Zone
- Limestone Hills - Site gravelly to channery, soils high in carbonates derived from parent material such as limestone and dolomite.
- Site dominated by shallow gravelly alluvium, occurs at higher elevations or northern aspects. Vegetation is a mix of juniper and pinyon trees, mountain mahogany, with blue grama and Wolf tail dominating the grass understory. Limestone Hills
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Major Land Resource Areas
The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.