Major Land Resource Area 022B
Southern Cascade Mountains
Accessed: 03/13/2025
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Key Characteristics
- Primarily frigid soil temperatures dominate: F – Frigid (Southern Montane Forest (Frigid soil temps mainly)
- Frost-Free Days 100 or greater
ProvisionalF022BF202CAWest-Side, Steep (15% or greater), Ash-influenced, Frigid Gravelly (FFD<100) Mountainsi
Key Characteristics
- Primarily frigid soil temperatures dominate: F – Frigid (Southern Montane Forest (Frigid soil temps mainly)
- Not as above
- Soils primarily found on the West-side of the Cascade Mountains
ProvisionalF022BF203CAEast Side, Steep (15% or greater), Ash-Influenced, Frigid Gravelly (FFD<100) Mountainsi
Key Characteristics
- Primarily frigid soil temperatures dominate: F – Frigid (Southern Montane Forest (Frigid soil temps mainly)
- Not as above
- Soils primarily found on the East-side of the Cascade Mountains
Key Characteristics
- Primarily frigid soil temperatures dominate: F – Frigid (Southern Montane Forest (Frigid soil temps mainly)
- Slopes 15% or less
Key Characteristics
- Primarily mesic soil temperatures dominate: G – Mesic (Low Southern Montane Forest (Mesic soil temps mainly)
- Lava Plateaus
Key Characteristics
- Primarily mesic soil temperatures dominate: G – Mesic (Low Southern Montane Forest (Mesic soil temps mainly)
- Not as above
- Frost-free days over 100
Key Characteristics
- Primarily mesic soil temperatures dominate: G – Mesic (Low Southern Montane Forest (Mesic soil temps mainly)
- Not as above, Frost-free days under 100
Key Characteristics
- Primarily mesic soil temperatures dominate: G – Mesic (Low Southern Montane Forest (Mesic soil temps mainly)
- Not as above, Precipitation averages over 60 inches
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Ecological site groups
Major Land Resource Areas
The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.