Major Land Resource Area 006X
Cascade Mountains, Eastern Slope
Accessed: 01/24/2025
Stretching from northern Washington to southern Oregon, the Cascade Mountains, Eastern Slope, spans the entirety of the mountain slopes, foothills, elevated plateaus and valleys on the eastern slopes of the Cascade mountains. This MLRA is a transitional area between the Cascade Mountains to the west and the lower lying Columbia Basalt Plateau to the east. Situated in the rainshadow of the Cascade Crest, this MLRA receives less precipitation than portions of the cascades further west and greater precipitation than the basalt plateaus to the east. Geologically, the majority of the MLRA is dominated by Miocene volcanic rocks while the northern portion is dominated by Pre-Cretaceous metamorphic rocks and the southern portion is blanketed with a thick mantle of ash and pumice from Mount Mazama. The soils in the MLRA dominantly have a mesic, frigid, or cryic soil temperature regime, a xeric soil moisture regime, and mixed or glassy mineralogy. They generally are moderately deep to very deep, well drained, and loamy or ashy. Biologically, the MLRA is dominated by coniferous forest, large expanses of which are dominated by ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir or lodgepole pine. Areas experiencing cooler and moister conditions include grand fir, white fir, and western larch while the highest elevations include pacific silver fir, subalpine fir and whitebark pine. Economically, timber harvest and recreation are important land uses in these forest. Historically, many of these forests would have experienced relatively frequent, low and mixed severity fire favoring the development of mature forests dominated by ponderosa pine or Douglas-fir. In the southern pumice plateau forests, less frequent, higher severity fire was common and promoted the growth of large expanses of even-aged, lodgepole forests. Further information for this MLRA is available online in the USDA publication "Land Resource Regions and Major Land Resource Areas of the United States, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Basin", accessible below.
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Ecological site list
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Northern Cascades; northern Chelan and Okanogan Counties; CRAs 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4; LRU A
- Site occurs in frigid temperature regime.
- Plant community expresses a Douglas-fir and pinegrass plant association.
ProvisionalF006XA002WA/F006XA002WAMesic Xeric Hill Slopes and Terraces (Ponderosa Pine Hot Dry Grass)i
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Northern Cascades; northern Chelan and Okanogan Counties; CRAs 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4; LRU A
- Site occurs in mesic temperature regime.
- Site occurs on more southerly slopes.
ProvisionalF006XA003WA/F006XA003WACryic Xeric Mountain Slopes (Subalpine fir Cool Moderately Dry Shrub/Herb)i
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Northern Cascades; northern Chelan and Okanogan Counties; CRAs 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4; LRU A
- Site occurs in cryic temperature regime.
- Site occurs in xeric moisture regime.
- Site occurs less than 5,000 feet elevation.
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Northern Cascades; northern Chelan and Okanogan Counties; CRAs 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4; LRU A
- Site occurs in cryic temperature regime.
- Site occurs in xeric moisture regime.
- Site occurs over 5,000 feet elevation.
ProvisionalF006XA005WA/F006XA005WACool Frigid Xeric Mountain Slopes (Douglas-fir Cool Moderately Dry Shrub/Herb)i
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Northern Cascades; northern Chelan and Okanogan Counties; CRAs 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4; LRU A
- Site occurs in frigid temperature regime.
- Plant community expresses a Douglas-fir and huckleberry plant association.
ProvisionalF006XA006WA/F006XA006WACold Cryic Udic Mountain Slopes (Pacific Silver fir Cold Moist Shrub/Herb)i
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Northern Cascades; northern Chelan and Okanogan Counties; CRAs 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4; LRU A
- Site occurs in cryic temperature regime.
- Site occurs in udic moisture regime.
ProvisionalF006XA007WA/F006XA007WAWarm Frigid Xeric Mountain Slopes (Douglas-fir Warm Dry Shrub/Herb)i
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Northern Cascades; northern Chelan and Okanogan Counties; CRAs 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4; LRU A
- Site occurs in frigid temperature regime.
- Plant community lacks pinegrass.
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Northern Cascades; northern Chelan and Okanogan Counties; CRAs 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4; LRU A
- Site occurs in mesic temperature regime.
- Site occurs predominantly on northern slopes.
ProvisionalF006XA008WA/F006XA008WACryic Xeric Mountain Slopes (Subalpine fir Cold Moderately Dry Shrub/Herb)i
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Northern Cascades; northern Chelan and Okanogan Counties; CRAs 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4; LRU A
- Site occurs in cryic temperature regime.
- Site occurs in xeric moisture regime, but a udic moisture subclass (xeric bordering udic).
Key Characteristics
- Mean annual precipitation 20" or greater, location not as above
- Not as above
- Site within, or just west of, the maritime zone defined by the Hood River and White Salmon Valleys
- Elevation greater than 2,500 ft, soil temperature regime Frigid
- Mean annual precipitation 20" or greater, location not as above
- Not as above
- Site within, or just west of, the maritime zone defined by the Hood River and White Salmon Valleys
- Elevation between 1,500 ft and 2,500 ft
- Slope > 30%
- Occupying north and east aspects
- Mean annual precipitation 20" or greater, location not as above
- Not as above
- Site East of the maritime zone described above
- Mean annual precipitation greater than 30”, (elevation above ~ 3,000 ft, increasing to ~ 3,500 ft south of Dufur)
- Slope > 30%
- Occupying north and east aspects
Key Characteristics
- Mean annual precipitation 20" or greater, location not as above
- Not as above
- Site within, or just west of, the maritime zone defined by the Hood River and White Salmon Valleys
- Elevation between 1,500 ft and 2,500 ft
- Slope < 30%
- Mean annual precipitation 20" or greater, location not as above
- Not as above
- Site within, or just west of, the maritime zone defined by the Hood River and White Salmon Valleys
- Elevation below 1,500 ft (all of the 20 - 40 PZ ecological sites occur in this elevation zone so distinction will be more challenging here, clueing into biotic characteristics may be more helpful if soil pits are not feasible)
- Slope > 45%
- Soils very deep, 60” + , (uncommon on these steeper slopes)
- Mean annual precipitation 20" or greater, location not as above
- Not as above
- Site within, or just west of, the maritime zone defined by the Hood River and White Salmon Valleys
- Elevation below 1,500 ft (all of the 20 - 40 PZ ecological sites occur in this elevation zone so distinction will be more challenging here, clueing into biotic characteristics may be more helpful if soil pits are not feasible)
- Slope < 45%
- Not as above
- Soils very deep, 60” +
- Mean annual precipitation 20" or greater, location not as above
- Not as above
- Site East of the maritime zone described above
- Mean annual precipitation greater than 30”, (elevation above ~ 3,000 ft, increasing to ~ 3,500 ft south of Dufur)
- Slope < 30%
ProvisionalF006XB001WA/F006XB001WAFrigid Xeric Mountain Slopes (Douglas-fir Moderately Dry Shrub/Herb)i
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Central Cascades; northern Kittitas and southern Chelan counties; CRA 6.5; LRU B
- Site occurs in frigid temperature regime.
- Site dominated by Douglas-fir.
ProvisionalF006XB002WA/F006XB002WACold Cryic Udic Mountain Slopes (Mountain Hemlock Cold Moderately Moist Shrub/Herb)i
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Central Cascades; northern Kittitas and southern Chelan counties; CRA 6.5; LRU B
- Site occurs in cryic temperature regime.
ProvisionalF006XB003WA/F006XB003WAFrigid Xeric Mountain Slopes (Grand fir Warm Moderately Dry Low Shrub/Herb)i
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Central Cascades; northern Kittitas and southern Chelan counties; CRA 6.5; LRU B
- Site occurs in frigid temperature regime.
- Site dominated by grand fir.
ProvisionalF006XB004WA/F006XB004WAMesic Xeric Foothills and Mountain Slopes (Ponderosa Pine Hot Dry Shrub Grass)i
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Central Cascades; northern Kittitas and southern Chelan counties; CRA 6.5; LRU B
- Site occurs in mesic temperature regime.
Key Characteristics
- Soil temperature regime frigid
- Mean annual precipitation equal to or greater than 20"
- Mean annual precipitation 20 - 30", shade tolerant conifers uncommon in understory
Key Characteristics
- Soil temperature regime frigid
- Mean annual precipitation equal to or greater than 20"
- Mean annual precipitation 30 - 40", shade tolerant conifers common in understory
Key Characteristics
- Soil temperature regime mesic
- Site primarily found on north or south aspects
- Site primarily found on north aspects
ProvisionalF006XC001WA/F006XC001WACryic Xeric Mountain Slopes and Plateaus (Subalpine fir Cool Dry Grass)i
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Southern Cascades; Kittitas, Yakima, Klickitat and eastern Skamania Counties; CRAs 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8; LRU C and D.
- Site occurs in cryic temperature regime.
- Site dominated by subalpine fir.
ProvisionalF006XC002WA/F006XC002WACryic Moderately Moist Xeric Mountain Slopes (Western Hemlock Cool Moderately Moist)i
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Southern Cascades; Kittitas, Yakima, Klickitat and eastern Skamania Counties; CRAs 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8; LRU C and D.
- Site occurs in cryic temperature regime.
- Site dominated by western hemlock.
ProvisionalF006XC003WA/F006XC003WACool Frigid Moist Xeric Mountain Slopes (Grand fir Cool Moist Shrub/Herb)i
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Southern Cascades; Kittitas, Yakima, Klickitat and eastern Skamania Counties; CRAs 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8; LRU C and D.
- Site occurs in frigid temperature regime.
- Site not described as above.
- Site occurs in xeric moisture regime, but a udic moisture subclass (xeric bordering udic).
- Site aspect is northern.
ProvisionalF006XD001WA/F006XD001WAFrigid Moist Xeric Ashy Slopes (Grand fir Warm Moist Shrub/Herb)i
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Southern Cascades; Kittitas, Yakima, Klickitat and eastern Skamania Counties; CRAs 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8; LRU C and D.
- Site occurs in frigid temperature regime.
- Site not described as above.
- Site occurs in xeric moisture regime, but a udic moisture subclass (xeric bordering udic).
- Site aspect is southernly.
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Southern Cascades; Kittitas, Yakima, Klickitat and eastern Skamania Counties; CRAs 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8; LRU C and D.
- Site occurs in frigid temperature regime.
- Site not described as above.
- Site occurs in xeric moisture regime, but a typic moisture subclass.
- Sites aspect is more southernly.
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Southern Cascades; Kittitas, Yakima, Klickitat and eastern Skamania Counties; CRAs 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8; LRU C and D.
- Site occurs in frigid temperature regime.
- Site on 'dry river terrace' adjacent to riparian areas.
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Southern Cascades; Kittitas, Yakima, Klickitat and eastern Skamania Counties; CRAs 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8; LRU C and D.
- Site occurs in mesic temperature regime.
- Site contains wester hazel and/or snowberry.
ProvisionalF006XD004WA/F006XD004WAMesic Xeric Slopes and Plateaus (Oregon White Oak-Ponderosa pine Hot Dry Herb/Shrub)i
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Southern Cascades; Kittitas, Yakima, Klickitat and eastern Skamania Counties; CRAs 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8; LRU C and D.
- Site occurs in mesic temperature regime.
- Site contains bitterbrush and/or elk sedge.
ProvisionalF006XD005WA/F006XD005WAFrigid Xeric Mountain Slopes and Plateaus (Grand fir Warm Moderately Dry Shrub)i
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Southern Cascades; Kittitas, Yakima, Klickitat and eastern Skamania Counties; CRAs 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8; LRU C and D.
- Site occurs in frigid temperature regime.
- Site not described as above.
- Site occurs in xeric moisture regime, but a typic moisture subclass.
- Site aspect is northerly.
ProvisionalF006XD006WA/F006XD006WACold Cryic Xeric Mountain Slopes (Whitebark Pine Cold Moderately Dry Shrub/Herb)i
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Site has over 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- Site located in Southern Cascades; Kittitas, Yakima, Klickitat and eastern Skamania Counties; CRAs 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8; LRU C and D.
- Site occurs in cryic temperature regime.
- Site dominated by whitebark pine.
Key Characteristics
- Forested site
- Occurring on various soil types, loamy sand, sandy loam, peat, muck
Key Characteristics
- Sites concentrated around the east flanks of Crater lake
- Not as above
- Site occupying ash flows or alluvial fans
- Not as above
- Site found primarily on north or south aspects
- Site primarily found on south aspects
Key Characteristics
- Sites concentrated around the east flanks of Crater lake
- Site occupying south aspects on buttes
Key Characteristics
- Sites concentrated around the east flanks of Crater lake
- Not as above
- Site occupying ash flows or alluvial fans
- Slopes flat to gentle, occupying low landscape positions in basins and drainages
- Soils excessively drained
Key Characteristics
- Sites concentrated around the east flanks of Crater lake
- Not as above
- Site occupying ash flows or alluvial fans
- Not as above
- Site found on all aspects
Key Characteristics
- Sites concentrated around the east flanks of Crater lake
- Not as above
- Site occupying ash flows or alluvial fans
- Slopes flat to gentle, occupying low landscape positions in basins and drainages
- Soils somewhat excessively drained
Key Characteristics
- Sites concentrated around the east flanks of Crater lake
- Not as above
- Site occupying ash flows or alluvial fans
- Not as above
- Site found primarily on north or south aspects
- Site primarily found on moderate to steep north aspects
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Sites has less than 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on depressions, swales on flood plains or terraces.
- Soil are non-hydric and not saturated to the surface, but plants are water tolerant.
- Site elevation is approximately 6,000 to 7,600 feet; cryic temperature regime.
- Cryic temperature regime, elevations above 3,500 ft
- Site occurring on floodplains and low stream terraces
Key Characteristics
- Sites concentrated around the east flanks of Crater lake
- Not as above
- Site occupying high elevation stratovolcano slopes
Key Characteristics
- Soil temperature regime frigid
- Mean annual precipitation less than 20"
- Soils moderately deep to very deep (20" +), abundant fine fuels, frequent surface fires common
Key Characteristics
- Soil temperature regime mesic
- Site found on all aspects
- Soils moderately deep to very deep (> 20")
- Mean annual precipitation 20 - 25"
Key Characteristics
- Soil temperature regime mesic
- Site found on all aspects
- Soils moderately deep to very deep (> 20")
- Mean annual precipitation 14 - 20"
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Mean annual precipitation 18 - 25", slopes flat to gentle
- Slopes gentle to moderate, site occupying upslope landscape positions
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Mean annual precipitation 20 - 40", slopes gentle to steep
Key Characteristics
- Not as above
- Mean annual precipitation 18 - 25", slopes flat to gentle
- Slopes nearly flat, site occupying low landscape positions
Key Characteristics
- Mean annual precipitation less than 20" (East of Hood river valley, below ~ 2,000 ft elevation, increasing to ~ 2,500 ft from Dufur south)
- Soil surface texture courser than above (typically loam, silt loam or fine sandy loam, < 35% clay)
- Slope > 15 %, (soils shallow to deep)
- Sites found on south and west aspects
Key Characteristics
- Mean annual precipitation less than 20" (East of Hood river valley, below ~ 2,000 ft elevation, increasing to ~ 2,500 ft from Dufur south)
- Soil surface texture courser than above (typically loam, silt loam or fine sandy loam, < 35% clay)
- Slope > 15 %, (soils shallow to deep)
- Sites found on north and east aspects
Key Characteristics
- Mean annual precipitation 20" or greater, location not as above
- Soils shallow (10 - 20"), occupying exposed areas such as summits, ridgetops, balds and southerly slopes
Key Characteristics
- Sites occupying hills, basins and lakebed terraces
- Not as above
- Soils deep to very deep (40"+)
Key Characteristics
- Sites occupying hills, basins and lakebed terraces
- Not as above
- Soils moderately deep (20-40")
Key Characteristics
- Sites occupying dunes
- Elevation less than 4400 ft
- Frost free days 85-95
Key Characteristics
- Sites occupying dunes
- Elevation 4400 ft or greater
- Soils very deep (60"+), slopes gentle (2-20%)
Key Characteristics
- Sites occupying hills, basins and lakebed terraces
- Soils very shallow to shallow (0-20")
Key Characteristics
- Sites occupying dunes
- Elevation 4400 ft or greater
- Soils deep (40-60"), slopes gentle to moderate (15-35%)
Key Characteristics
- Sites occupying dunes
- Elevation less than 4400 ft
- Frost free days 45-55
Key Characteristics
- Mean annual precipitation less than 20" (East of Hood river valley, below ~ 2,000 ft elevation, increasing to ~ 2,500 ft from Dufur south)
- Soil surface texture courser than above (typically loam, silt loam or fine sandy loam, < 35% clay)
- Slope < 15 %, (soils deep to very deep)
Key Characteristics
- Mean annual precipitation 20" or greater, location not as above
- Not as above
- Site within, or just west of, the maritime zone defined by the Hood River and White Salmon Valleys
- Elevation between 1,500 ft and 2,500 ft
- Slope > 30%
- Occupying south and west aspects
- Mean annual precipitation 20" or greater, location not as above
- Not as above
- Site within, or just west of, the maritime zone defined by the Hood River and White Salmon Valleys
- Elevation below 1,500 ft (all of the 20 - 40 PZ ecological sites occur in this elevation zone so distinction will be more challenging here, clueing into biotic characteristics may be more helpful if soil pits are not feasible)
- Slope > 45%
- Soils moderately deep, 20 – 40”, (aspects generally south or west)
- Mean annual precipitation 20" or greater, location not as above
- Not as above
- Site within, or just west of, the maritime zone defined by the Hood River and White Salmon Valleys
- Elevation below 1,500 ft (all of the 20 - 40 PZ ecological sites occur in this elevation zone so distinction will be more challenging here, clueing into biotic characteristics may be more helpful if soil pits are not feasible)
- Slope < 45%
- Slope > 30%, on south and west aspects
- Mean annual precipitation 20" or greater, location not as above
- Not as above
- Site East of the maritime zone described above
- Mean annual precipitation 20 – 30”, (elevation ~ 2,000 - 3,000 ft, increasing to ~ 2,500 – 3,500 ft south of Dufur)
- Slopes > 30%, on south and west aspects
- Mean annual precipitation 20" or greater, location not as above
- Not as above
- Site East of the maritime zone described above
- Mean annual precipitation greater than 30”, (elevation above ~ 3,000 ft, increasing to ~ 3,500 ft south of Dufur)
- Slope > 30%
- Occupying south and west aspects
Key Characteristics
- Mean annual precipitation 20" or greater, location not as above
- Not as above
- Site within, or just west of, the maritime zone defined by the Hood River and White Salmon Valleys
- Elevation below 1,500 ft (all of the 20 - 40 PZ ecological sites occur in this elevation zone so distinction will be more challenging here, clueing into biotic characteristics may be more helpful if soil pits are not feasible)
- Slope > 45%
- Soils deep, 40 – 60”, (uncommon on these steeper slopes)
- Mean annual precipitation 20" or greater, location not as above
- Not as above
- Site within, or just west of, the maritime zone defined by the Hood River and White Salmon Valleys
- Elevation below 1,500 ft (all of the 20 - 40 PZ ecological sites occur in this elevation zone so distinction will be more challenging here, clueing into biotic characteristics may be more helpful if soil pits are not feasible)
- Slope < 45%
- Not as above
- Soils deep, 40 – 60”, (occasionally moderately deep)
- Mean annual precipitation 20" or greater, location not as above
- Not as above
- Site East of the maritime zone described above
- Mean annual precipitation 20 – 30”, (elevation ~ 2,000 - 3,000 ft, increasing to ~ 2,500 – 3,500 ft south of Dufur)
- Not as above
Key Characteristics
- Soil temperature regime mesic
- Site found on all aspects
- Soils shallow or very shallow (≤ 20")
- Soils shallow
Key Characteristics
- Mean annual precipitation less than 20" (East of Hood river valley, below ~ 2,000 ft elevation, increasing to ~ 2,500 ft from Dufur south)
- Soil surface texture clay loam or clay, ( > 35% clay, found only toward the southern extent of east gorge Oregon white oak in and around the Warm Springs Reservation)
Key Characteristics
- Soil temperature regime frigid
- Mean annual precipitation less than 20"
- Soils shallow to moderately deep (10 - 40"), fine fuels limit fire regime to moderately frequent surface and mixed fires
Key Characteristics
- Meadow or marsh site
- Soils somewhat poorly drained
- Ponding rare, clayey soils
Key Characteristics
- Meadow or marsh site
- Soils moderately well drained
- Semi-impermeable layer at 20" deep, restricts some root activity
Key Characteristics
- Meadow or marsh site
- Soils moderately well drained
- Not as above
Key Characteristics
- Meadow or marsh site
- Soils somewhat poorly drained
- Ponding frequent, loamy soils
Key Characteristics
- Meadow or marsh site
- Soils poorly drained
- Water table below the effective rooting depth for part of the growing season
Key Characteristics
- Meadow or marsh site
- Soils poorly drained
- Water table at or near the surface for most of the year
- Soil surface dry by late in the growing season
Key Characteristics
- Meadow or marsh site
- Soils poorly drained
- Water table at or near the surface for most of the year
- Transitional site between Meadow Swale 14-26 PZ and Wet Marsh 14-26 PZ, no known abiotic differences
Key Characteristics
- Meadow or marsh site
- Soils poorly drained
- Water table at or near the surface for most of the year
- Soil surface moist year round
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Sites has less than 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on depressions, swales on flood plains or terraces.
- Soils are hydric and saturated to the surface.
- Frigid temperature regime, elevations between 2,800 and 3,500 ft
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Sites has less than 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on depressions, swales on flood plains or terraces.
- Soil are non-hydric and not saturated to the surface, but plants are water tolerant.
- Site elevation is approximately 4,000 to 6,000 feet; frigid temperature regime.
- Cryic temperature regime, elevations above 3,500 ft
- Not as above
- Site experiences spring ponding
- Site occurs largely in the Deschutes basin, willow dominated
Key Characteristics
- Soil temperature regime mesic
- Site primarily found on north or south aspects
- Site primarily found on south aspects
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Sites has less than 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands.
- Soils are very shallow in depth, less than 10 inches. Sites include: ESG R006XY001WA - Very shallow, R006XY301WA - Very shallow 16-24 PZ.
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Sites has less than 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands.
- Soils are deeper than 10 inches.
- Soil has a shallow depth class, less than 20 inches to restrictive horizon.
- Site occurs approximately at 4,000 to 6,000 feet elevation; frigid temperature regime . Sites include: ESG R006XY112WA - Shallow stony, 4000-6000 feet, R006XY203WA - Cool Stony 16-24 PZ.
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Sites has less than 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands.
- Soils are deeper than 10 inches.
- Soil has a shallow depth class, less than 20 inches to restrictive horizon.
- Site occurs approximately at 6,000 to 7,600 feet elevation; cryic temperature regime. Sites include: ESG R006XY115WA - Shallow stony, 6000-7600 feet, R006XY204WA - High Mountain Shallow 24+ PZ.
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Sites has less than 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands.
- Soils are deeper than 10 inches.
- Soil is deeper than 20 inches to a restrictive horizon and have greater than 35 percent rock fragments in particle size control section.
- Site occurs approximately at 4,000 to 6,000 feet elevation; frigid temperature regime. Sites include: ESG R006XY126WA - Stony south aspect, 4000-6000 feet, R006XY203WA - Cool Stony 16-24 PZ, R006XY702WA - Mountain Park, R006XY701WA - Mountain Shallow.
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Sites has less than 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands.
- Soils are deeper than 10 inches.
- Soil is deeper than 20 inches to a restrictive horizon and have greater than 35 percent rock fragments in particle size control section.
- Site occurs approximately at 6,000 to 7,600 feet elevation; cryic temperature regime. Sites include: ESG R006XY165WA - Stony south aspect, 6000-7600 feet, R006XY703WA - High Mountain Park, R006XY704WA - Subalpine Park.
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Sites has less than 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands.
- Soils are deeper than 10 inches.
- Soil is deeper than 20 inches to a restrictive horizon and have greater than 35 percent rock fragments in particle size control section.
- Site occurs approximately at 2,800 to 4,000 feet elevation; mesic temperature regime. Sites include: ESG R006XY226WA - Stony foothills, south aspect, bitterbrush, 2,800-4,000 feet, R006XY202WA - Stony 16-24 PZ.
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Sites has less than 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands.
- Soils are deeper than 10 inches.
- Soil has a shallow depth class, less than 20 inches to restrictive horizon.
- Site occurs approximately at 2,800 to 4,000 feet elevation; mesic temperature regime. Sites include: ESG R006XY312WA - Shallow stony, 2800-4000 feet, R006XY201WA - Dry Stony 16-24 PZ.
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Sites has less than 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands.
- Soils are deeper than 10 inches.
- Soil has a shallow depth class, less than 20 inches to restrictive horizon.
- Site occurs on the High Prairie or Swauk Prairie of MLRA 6. ESG R006XY412WA - Shallow stony, Prairie
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Sites has less than 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands.
- Soils are deeper than 10 inches.
- Soil is deeper than 20 inches to restrictive horizon and has less than 35 percent rock fragments.
- Site not as above. Sites include: ESG R006XY430WA - Loamy, prairie, R006XY102WA - Loamy 16-24 PZ.
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Sites has less than 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands.
- Soils are deeper than 10 inches.
- Soil is deeper than 20 inches to restrictive horizon and has less than 35 percent rock fragments.
- Site has northerly aspect. Site include: ESG R006XY450WA - North aspect, Prairie, R006XY103WA - Cool Loamy 16-24 PZ.
Key Characteristics
- Resides north of Columbia River.
- Sites has less than 20% cover of trees over 13 feet in height.
- The site occurs on uplands.
- Soils are deeper than 10 inches.
- Soil is deeper than 20 inches to a restrictive horizon and have greater than 35 percent rock fragments in particle size control section.
- Site occurs approximately below 2,800 feet in elevation. Sites include: ESG R006XY726WA - Stony, dry oak, R006XY201WA - Dry Stony 16-24 PZ.
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Ecological sites
Major Land Resource Areas
The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.