Major Land Resource Area 048A
Southern Rocky Mountains
Accessed: 03/26/2025
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Ecological site list
Key Characteristics
- 12" - 16" annual precipitation. Up to 20" on south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity, site is too dry to support gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer 20” or less from the soil surface
- Surface textures are mostly very channery loam and rock content in the top 24" is greater than 35% by volume.
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer 20” or less from the soil surface
- Surface textures are mostly gravelly sandy loam with current or past evidence of trees occupying the site
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface (shallow soil)
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is loamy-skeletal
- Parent material sandstone, and/or siltstone; surface texture is loam, sandy loam, channery loam, or very gravelly loam
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface (shallow soil)
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is loamy
- Parent material sandstone, and/or siltstone; surface texture is loam, sandy loam, channery loam, or very gravelly loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Rock fragments greater than 35%
- Family particle size is clayey-skeletal
- Precipitation is 20-30 inches; parent material is igneous, metamorphic rock, sedimentary rock; sandstone and shale, diorite and or rhyolite; surface texture is loam, stony loam, very stony loam, cobbly loam, gravelly loam or very cobbly loam
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Rock fragments greater than 35%
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is Loamy-skeletal
- Precipitation is 20-30 inches; parent material is igneous, metamorphic rock, sedimentary rock; sandstone and shale, diorite and or rhyolite; surface texture is loam, stony loam, very stony loam, cobbly loam, gravelly loam or very cobbly loam
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Site is not as above, rock fragments less than 35%
- Family particle size is fine
- Precipitation is 20-30 inches; parent material is igneous, metamorphic rock, sedimentary rock; sandstone and shale, diorite and or rhyolite; surface texture is loam, stony loam, very stony loam, cobbly loam, gravelly loam or very cobbly loam
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Site is not as above, rock fragments less than 35%
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Precipitation is 20-30 inches; parent material is igneous, metamorphic rock, sedimentary rock; sandstone and shale, diorite and or rhyolite; surface texture is loam, stony loam, very stony loam, cobbly loam, gravelly loam or very cobbly loam
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains greater than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Surface soil texture mainly channery/very channery loam with past or present evidence of tree occupying the site
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains greater than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Surface soil texture mainly very cobbly very fine sandy loam to stony loam with past or present evidence of trees occupying the site
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains less than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Slopes on site typically greater than 50%
- Surface soil texture sandy loam with past/present evidence of trees occupying the site
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains greater than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Surface soil textures mainly extremely stony loam to extremely boulder fine sandy loam with slopes typically greater than 50% and past/present evidence of trees occupying the site
Key Characteristics
- Greater than 35" annual precipitation
- 22" - 40" annual precipitation
- Slope generally less than 30%
- Soil depth is generally moderately deep to deep (20-60”) with gravels on the surface less than 15% by volume
Key Characteristics
- Greater than 35" annual precipitation
- 22" - 40" annual precipitation
- Slope generally greater than 30%
- Rock fragments in the top 24” generally less than 50% by volume
- Surface soil texture is finer (loam to fine sandy loam)
- Rock fragments on the soil surface are generally less than 15%.
Key Characteristics
- Greater than 35" annual precipitation
- 22" - 40" annual precipitation
- Slope generally greater than 30%
- Rock fragments in the top 24” generally greater than 50% by volume
- Surface textures are generally fine sandy loam to gravelly sandy loam with surface rock fragments less than 10%.
Key Characteristics
- Greater than 35" annual precipitation
- 22" - 40" annual precipitation
- Slope generally greater than 30%
- Rock fragments in the top 24” generally greater than 50% by volume
- Surface textures are generally gravelly or cobbly loam with surface rock fragments greater than 10%
Key Characteristics
- Greater than 35" annual precipitation
- 22" - 40" annual precipitation
- Slope generally greater than 30%
- Rock fragments in the top 24” generally less than 50% by volume
- Soil epipedon is generally pachic (mollic and greater than 20” thick)
Key Characteristics
- Greater than 35" annual precipitation
- 22" - 40" annual precipitation
- Slope generally greater than 30%
- Rock fragments in the top 24” generally less than 50% by volume
- Surface soil texture is coarse (very stony or bouldery)
Key Characteristics
- Greater than 35" annual precipitation
- 22" - 40" annual precipitation
- Slope generally greater than 30%
- Rock fragments in the top 24” generally less than 50% by volume
- Surface soil texture is finer (loam to fine sandy loam)
- Rock fragments on the soil surface are generally greater than 15%.
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Rock fragments greater than 35%
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is Loamy-skeletal
- Precipitation is 20-40 inches; parent material is granite, sandstone and shale, volcanic rock, gneiss, mica schist, or sandstone; surface textures is loam, very gravelly sandy loam, very stony sandy loam, stony sandy loam, stony loam, very stony loam, very cobbly loam, or gravelly fine sandy loam
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Site is not as above, rock fragments less than 35%
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Precipitation is 20-40 inches; parent material is granite, sandstone and shale, volcanic rock, gneiss, mica schist, or sandstone; surface textures is loam, very gravelly sandy loam, very stony sandy loam, stony sandy loam, stony loam, very stony loam, very cobbly loam, or gravelly fine sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is clayey-skeletal
- Precipitation is 20-30 inches; parent material is shale and/or sandstone; surface texture is very gravelly loam, fine sandy loam or cobbly fine sandy loam
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is loamy-skeletal
- Precipitation is 20-30 inches; parent material is shale and/or sandstone; surface texture is very gravelly loam, fine sandy loam or cobbly fine sandy loam
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Rock fragments greater than 35%
- Family particle size is clayey-skeletal
- Precipitation is 20-30 inches; parent material is shale and/or sandstone; surface texture is very gravelly loam, fine sandy loam or cobbly fine sandy loam
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Rock fragments greater than 35%
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is Loamy-skeletal
- Precipitation is 20-30 inches; parent material is shale and/or sandstone; surface texture is very gravelly loam, fine sandy loam or cobbly fine sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Rock fragments greater than 35%
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is Loamy-skeletal
- Precipitation is 20-40 inches; parent material is volcanic breccia; surface texture is cobbly ashy loam, cobbly ashy silt loam or cobbly loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Rock fragments greater than 35%
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is Loamy-skeletal
- Precipitation is 20-40 inches; parent material is volcanic breccia or sandstone; surface textures is stony loam, stony ashy loam, or cobbly ashy loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Rock fragments greater than 35%
- Family particle size is clayey-skeletal
- Precipitation is 20-40 inches; parent material is igneous rock, metamorphic rock, sedimentary rock, sandstone and shale and/or volcanic breccia; surface texture is very cobbly sandy loam, very gravelly sandy loam very stony sandy loam, very cobbly fine sandy loam, stony fine sandy loam, loam, cobbly loam or gravelly loam
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Rock fragments greater than 35%
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is Loamy-skeletal
- Precipitation is 20-40 inches; parent material is igneous rock, metamorphic rock, sedimentary rock, sandstone and shale and/or volcanic breccia; surface texture is very cobbly sandy loam, very gravelly sandy loam very stony sandy loam, very cobbly fine sandy loam, stony fine sandy loam, loam, cobbly loam or gravelly loam
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Site is not as above, rock fragments less than 35%
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Precipitation is 20-40 inches; parent material is igneous rock, metamorphic rock, sedimentary rock, sandstone and shale and/or volcanic breccia; surface texture is very cobbly sandy loam, very gravelly sandy loam very stony sandy loam, very cobbly fine sandy loam, stony fine sandy loam, loam, cobbly loam or gravelly loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Rock fragments greater than 35%
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is Loamy-skeletal
- Precipitation is 20-40 inches; parent material is volcanic breccia; surface textures is very stony ashy loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Rock fragments greater than 35%
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is Loamy-skeletal
- Precipitation is 20-40 inches; parent material is volcanic breccia or tuff; surface textures is stony ashy loam or cobbly loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Rock fragments greater than 35%
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is Loamy-skeletal
- Precipitation is 20 to 25 inches; parent material is sandstone and shale, andesite, or sedimentary rock; surface texture is very stony loam, loam, clay loam, stony sandy clay loam, or very stony sandy loam
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Site is not as above, rock fragments less than 35%
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Precipitation is 20 to 25 inches; parent material is sandstone and shale, andesite, or sedimentary rock; surface texture is very stony loam, loam, clay loam, stony sandy clay loam, or very stony sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine
- Parent material sandstone and/or shale. Surface texture is loam, clay loam, very stony loam, cobbly loam, sandy loam, cobbly sandy loam, very bouldery sandy loam, or fine sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Located in the Gunnison Basin
- Parent material is rhyolite, granite volcanic rock, sedimentary rock, igneous and/or metamorphic rock; surface texture is loam or gravelly sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Located in the Gunnison Basin
- Parent material is rhyolite, sedimentary rock, or granite; soil surface textures is gravelly sandy loam or fine sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface (shallow soil)
- Site is located in the Gunnison Basin
- Parent material is granite, gneiss, family particle size is loamy; soil surface texture is very gravely loam, very gravelly sandy loam or gravelly loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table, riparian area, or run-in water
- Site has perennial water table 0-24 inches in depth; soil depth is greater 40 inches; family particle size is fine-loamy or fine
- Site located in the Gunnison Basin
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table, riparian area, or run-in water
- Site not as above
- Site located in the Gunnison Basin
- Water table 60 inches or greater in depth and seasonally in early spring; family particle size is fine-loamy
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine
- Located on the western slope in Colorado around the Grand Mesa to the North/West part of the San Juan Mountains and the Gunnison Basin (Shale Highlands LRU); parent material is Mancos/ Wasatch shale and/or siltstone; surface texture is clay loam, silty clay loam or loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Site is not as above, rock fragments less than 35%
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Located in Gunnison Basin; precipitation is 20-30 inches; parent materials andesite, rhyolite or sandstone and shale; surface texture is loam
Key Characteristics
- Located in LRU RM-1. These sites are found on the east side of Sangre de Cristo mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is 20-30”; Elevation is 9,000 ft or higher – Subalpine climate zone
- Parent material basalt; soils depth is greater than 60 inches; family particle size can be fine, fine-loamy or loamy-skeletal
Key Characteristics
- Located in LRU RM-1. These sites are found on the east side of Sangre de Cristo mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is usually 16-20 inches (precipitation can range from 15 to 25 with aspect differences); elevation is approximately 7,000 to 9,000 feet.– Mountain climate zone
- Site not as above - soil depth is greater than 20 inches
- Site not as above
- Fine family particle size
- Site not as above
- Parent material is basalt, igneous rock, metamorphic rock, sandstone, shale, or other sedimentary rock, soil depth greater than 40 inches
- Located in LRU RM-1. These sites are found on the east side of Sangre de Cristo mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is usually 16-20 inches (precipitation can range from 15 to 25 with aspect differences); elevation is approximately 7,000 to 9,000 feet.– Mountain climate zone
- Site not as above - soil depth is greater than 20 inches
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Site is fine-loamy family particle size
- Parent material is basalt, igneous rock, metamorphic rock, sandstone, shale, or other sedimentary rock, soil depth greater than 40 inches
Key Characteristics
- Located in LRU RM-1. These sites are found on the east side of Sangre de Cristo mountains.
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table, riparian area, or run-in water
- Site not as above
- Site in landscape position that receives run-in water, no water table present in 6 feet; family particle size is fine-loamy or fine
Key Characteristics
- Located in LRU RM-1. These sites are found on the east side of Sangre de Cristo mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is usually 16-20 inches (precipitation can range from 15 to 25 with aspect differences); elevation is approximately 7,000 to 9,000 feet.– Mountain climate zone
- Site not as above - soil depth is greater than 20 inches
- Soils are skeletal (greater than 35% rock fragments)
- Family particle size – clayey-skeletal
Key Characteristics
- Located in LRU RM-1. These sites are found on the east side of Sangre de Cristo mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is usually 16-20 inches (precipitation can range from 15 to 25 with aspect differences); elevation is approximately 7,000 to 9,000 feet.– Mountain climate zone
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface
- Parent material is not shale
- Soils are skeletal (greater than 35% rock fragments)
- Parent material basalt, volcanic rock and metamorphic rock; family particle size is clayey-skeletal or loamy-skeletal
Key Characteristics
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table and/or run-in water
- Water table depth is generally 50 inches or greater below the surface and soils are loamy skelatal (>35% rock fragment)
- Soil sub-surface gravel volume is generally greater than 30% and dominant tree is narrowleaf cottonwood
- Soil sub-surface gravel volume is generally greater than 30% and dominant tree is narrowleaf cottonwood
Key Characteristics
- Located in LRU RM-1. These sites are found on the east side of Sangre de Cristo mountains.
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table, riparian area, or run-in water
- Site has water table 0-36 inches in depth, soil depth is > 60 inches; family particle size is fine or fine loamy
Key Characteristics
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table and/or run-in water
- Water table depth is generally 50 inches or greater below the surface and soils are loamy skelatal (>35% rock fragment)
- Soil sub-surface gravel volume is generally greater than 30% and dominant tree is narrowleaf cottonwood
- Soil sub-surface gravel volume is less than 10% and the dominant tree is water birch
Key Characteristics
- Located in LRU RM-1. These sites are found on the east side of Sangre de Cristo mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is usually 16-20 inches (precipitation can range from 15 to 25 with aspect differences); elevation is approximately 7,000 to 9,000 feet.– Mountain climate zone
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface
- Parent material is shale
- Family particle size is fine
- Located in LRU RM-1. These sites are found on the east side of Sangre de Cristo mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is usually 16-20 inches (precipitation can range from 15 to 25 with aspect differences); elevation is approximately 7,000 to 9,000 feet.– Mountain climate zone
- Site not as above - soil depth is greater than 20 inches
- Site not as above
- Fine family particle size
- Parent material is shale, soil depth 20-40 inches
Key Characteristics
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table and/or run-in water
- Water table depth is generally 50 inches or greater below the surface and soils are loamy skelatal (>35% rock fragment)
- Dominant aspect of this site is shrubs
Key Characteristics
- Located in LRU RM-1. These sites are found on the east side of Sangre de Cristo mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is usually 16-20 inches (precipitation can range from 15 to 25 with aspect differences); elevation is approximately 7,000 to 9,000 feet.– Mountain climate zone
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface
- Parent material is shale
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is loamy
- Located in LRU RM-1. These sites are found on the east side of Sangre de Cristo mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is usually 16-20 inches (precipitation can range from 15 to 25 with aspect differences); elevation is approximately 7,000 to 9,000 feet.– Mountain climate zone
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface
- Parent material is not shale
- Site not as above
- Parent material sandstone, shale, basalt and limestone family particle size is loamy
Key Characteristics
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table and/or run-in water
- Water table depth is generally 50 inches or greater below the surface and soils are loamy skelatal (>35% rock fragment)
- Dominant aspect of this site is shrub
- Site dominated by willows, soil profile is fine loamy (low rock content, 18-35% clay)
Key Characteristics
- Located in LRU RM-2. These sites are found on the west side of Sangre de Cristo mountains, Tusas Mountains (southern San Juan mountains) and Jemez Mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is 16-25”; approximately 7,000 to 9,000 feet in elevation Mountain climate zone
- Site not as above - soil depth is greater than 20 inches
- Site has greater than 35% rock fragments
- site not as above
- Family particle size is loamy-skeletal; parent material is igneous rock and/or metamorphic rock
- Located in LRU RM-2. These sites are found on the west side of Sangre de Cristo mountains, Tusas Mountains (southern San Juan mountains) and Jemez Mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is 16-25”; approximately 7,000 to 9,000 feet in elevation Mountain climate zone
- Site not as above - soil depth is greater than 20 inches
- Site not as above; less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Parent material is igneous rock and/or metamorphic rock, soil surface texture is gravelly loam, soil depth greater than 60 inches
Key Characteristics
- Located in LRU RM-2. These sites are found on the west side of Sangre de Cristo mountains, Tusas Mountains (southern San Juan mountains) and Jemez Mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is 16-25”; approximately 7,000 to 9,000 feet in elevation Mountain climate zone
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface
- Family particle size is clayey
- Site not as above
- Parent material - igneous rock and/or metamorphic rock
- Located in LRU RM-2. These sites are found on the west side of Sangre de Cristo mountains, Tusas Mountains (southern San Juan mountains) and Jemez Mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is 16-25”; approximately 7,000 to 9,000 feet in elevation Mountain climate zone
- Site not as above - soil depth is greater than 20 inches
- Site has greater than 35% rock fragments
- Family particle size is clayey-skeletal; parent material is igneous rock and/or metamorphic rock
Key Characteristics
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table and/or run-in water
- Water table depth is generally 50 inches or greater below the surface and soils are loamy skelatal (>35% rock fragment)
- Dominant aspect of this site is shrub
- Site dominated by willow, and soil profile is coarse loamy (<35% rock fragments)
Key Characteristics
- Located in LRU RM-2. These sites are found on the west side of Sangre de Cristo mountains, Tusas Mountains (southern San Juan mountains) and Jemez Mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is 25-40”; approximately 9,000 to 12,000 feet in elevation – Subalpine climate zone
- Soils depth is greater than 60 inches; family particle size is loamy-skeletal; parent material, rhyolite, granite, gneiss, volcanic rock metamorphic
Key Characteristics
- Located in LRU RM-2. These sites are found on the west side of Sangre de Cristo mountains, Tusas Mountains (southern San Juan mountains) and Jemez Mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is 16-25”; approximately 7,000 to 9,000 feet in elevation Mountain climate zone
- Site not as above - soil depth is greater than 20 inches
- Site has greater than 35% rock fragments
- site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is loamy-skeletal; parent material is rhyolite, tuff, sandstone and/or shale
- Located in LRU RM-2. These sites are found on the west side of Sangre de Cristo mountains, Tusas Mountains (southern San Juan mountains) and Jemez Mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is 16-25”; approximately 7,000 to 9,000 feet in elevation Mountain climate zone
- Site not as above - soil depth is greater than 20 inches
- Site not as above; less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Site not as above
- Parent material is rhyolite, tuff, sandstone and/or shale; soil surface texture is loam or silt loam, soil depth greater than 60 inches
Key Characteristics
- Located in LRU RM-2. These sites are found on the west side of Sangre de Cristo mountains, Tusas Mountains (southern San Juan mountains) and Jemez Mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is 16-25”; approximately 7,000 to 9,000 feet in elevation Mountain climate zone
- Site not as above - soil depth is greater than 20 inches
- Site not as above; less than 35% rock fragments
- Family particle size is fine; parent material is sandstone and/or shale
- Surface texture is loam and soil depth is greater than 20 inches
Key Characteristics
- Located in LRU RM-2. These sites are found on the west side of Sangre de Cristo mountains, Tusas Mountains (southern San Juan mountains) and Jemez Mountains.
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table, riparian area, or run-in water
- Site not as above
- Site in landscape position and receives run-in water, no water table present in 6 feet; family particle size –fine; parent material - shale
Key Characteristics
- Located in LRU RM-2. These sites are found on the west side of Sangre de Cristo mountains, Tusas Mountains (southern San Juan mountains) and Jemez Mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is 16-25”; approximately 7,000 to 9,000 feet in elevation Mountain climate zone
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface
- Family particle size is clayey
- Parent material – sandstone and/or shale
- Located in LRU RM-2. These sites are found on the west side of Sangre de Cristo mountains, Tusas Mountains (southern San Juan mountains) and Jemez Mountains.
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Precipitation is 16-25”; approximately 7,000 to 9,000 feet in elevation Mountain climate zone
- Site not as above - soil depth is greater than 20 inches
- Site not as above; less than 35% rock fragments
- Family particle size is fine; parent material is sandstone and/or shale
- Site not as above
- Surface texture clay loam or channery clay loam; soils are 20-40 inches in depth
Key Characteristics
- Located in LRU RM-2. These sites are found on the west side of Sangre de Cristo mountains, Tusas Mountains (southern San Juan mountains) and Jemez Mountains.
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table, riparian area, or run-in water
- Site has water table 0-60 inches in depth, soil depth is greater than 60 inches; family particle size is fine or fine loamy
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 16-20 inches; site has no water table or receives run-in moisture; family particle size is fine-loamy; surface texture is loam, clay loam, sandy clay loam or gravelly loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface (shallow soil)
- Site not as above
- Site is loamy-skeletal
- Parent material is monzonite, granite, gneiss and/or granodiorite; surface soil textures is very gravelly sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Site not as above
- Parent material is granite, gneiss, schist, sandstone, shale, igneous rock and/or metamorphic rock, surface texture is loam or sandy loam, slope 0-30%
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Site not as above
- Site is located in the Wescliffe area, parent material is alluvium, colluvium and eolian materials; soil surface is sandy loam or gravelly sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Site not as above
- Parent material is sandstone, shale, igneous rock, metamorphic rock, schist, and/or granite. Surface texture is loam, sandy loam, gravelly sandy loam or silt loam; 0-30% slope
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface (shallow soil)
- Site not as above
- Site is loamy-skeletal
- Parent material is granite, gneiss, phyllite, schist, sandstone and/or limestone; Soil surface texture is gravelly sandy loam, channery loam or fine sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface (shallow soil)
- Family particle size is loamy
- Parent material is tachylyte, volcanic breccia, igneous rock, tuff, granite, gneiss and/or sandstone; surface soil textures isgravelly sandy loam, channery loam, or fine sandy loam
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface (shallow soil)
- Site not as above
- Site is loamy-skeletal
- Parent material is tachylyte, volcanic breccia, igneous rock, tuff, granite, gneiss and/or sandstone; surface soil textures isgravelly sandy loam, channery loam, or fine sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Site not as above
- Parent material is sedimentary rock, basalt or sandstone; soil surface texture is loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine
- Parent material sandstone and shale; surface texture is loam, clay loam, or very cobbly loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface (shallow soil)
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is clayey
- Parent material sandstone and/or shale; surface texture is channery loam, very channery loam, flaggy clay loam, channery silty clay loam, sandy loam, or gravelly coarse sandy loam
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface (shallow soil)
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is loamy-skeletal
- Parent material sandstone and/or shale; surface texture is channery loam, very channery loam, flaggy clay loam, channery silty clay loam, sandy loam, or gravelly coarse sandy loam
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface (shallow soil)
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is loamy
- Parent material sandstone and/or shale; surface texture is channery loam, very channery loam, flaggy clay loam, channery silty clay loam, sandy loam, or gravelly coarse sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Soils are skeletal soils (greater than 35% rock fragments)
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is loamy-skeletal
- Parent material is basalt, sandstone, till, outwash, schist, granite, gneiss, igneous and/or metamorphic rock; soil surface texture is stony loam, extremely stony loam, cobbly loam, very stony loam, cobbly sandy loam or very cobbly sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Soils are skeletal soils (greater than 35% rock fragments)
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is clayey-skeletal
- Parent material is sandstone and/or shale; surface texture is loam or clay loam
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Soils are skeletal soils (greater than 35% rock fragments)
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is loamy-skeletal
- Parent material is sandstone and/or shale; surface texture is loam or clay loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Soils are skeletal soils (greater than 35% rock fragments)
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is clayey-skeletal
- Parent material is igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock; surface texture is very gravelly sandy clay loam, very stony loam or gravelly loam
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Soils are skeletal soils (greater than 35% rock fragments)
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is loamy-skeletal
- Parent material is igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock; surface texture is very gravelly sandy clay loam, very stony loam or gravelly loam
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Site not as above
- Parent material is igneous, metamorphic and/or sedimentary rock; surface texture is very gravelly sandy clay loam, very stony loam or gravelly loam; 3-50% slope
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface (shallow soil)
- Site not as above
- Site is loamy-skeletal
- Parent material is volcanic breccia, granite, gneiss, sandstone, and/or granodiorite; surface soil textures is very gravelly sandy loam, gravelly sandy loam, or very gravelly loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table, riparian area, or run-in water
- Site has perennial water table 0-24 inches in depth; soil depth is greater 40 inches; family particle size is fine-loamy or fine
- Site not as above
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Site not as above
- Parent material is sandstone and shale; soil surface texture is loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table, riparian area, or run-in water
- Site has water table 12-72 inches in depth; soil depth is greater than 60 inches; family particle size is fine loamy; soil surface texture is loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Family particle size is fine
- Parent material is sandstone and shale; surface texture is a loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table, riparian area, or run-in water
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Site in landscape position that receives run-in water; 60 inches or greater in depth; no water table present in 6 feet; family particle size – fine-loamy
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine
- Not located in Shale Highland LRU (Grand Mesa to the North/West part of the San Juan Mountains and the Gunnison Basin); Parent material is shale, igneous rock, metamorphic rock and/or sedimentary rock, surface texture is clay loam, loam, or silt loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine
- Parent material is shale, sandstone and/or siltstone; surface texture is clay loam, loam, gravelly loam, or silty clay loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Site is not as above, rock fragments less than 35%
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Site not in the Gunnison Basin; parent material is sandstone, shale, volcanic rock, or igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock; surface texture is loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface
- Family particle size is loamy
- Precipitation is 20-30 inches; Parent material is sandstone, shale; basalt, andesite, tuff breccia and/or rhyolite; surface texture – loam, channery loam, sandy loam, extremely stony loam, gravelly silt loam or gravelly loam
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is loamy-skeletal
- Precipitation is 20-30 inches; Parent material is sandstone, shale; basalt, andesite, tuff breccia and/or rhyolite; surface texture – loam, channery loam, sandy loam, extremely stony loam, gravelly silt loam or gravelly loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Site is not as above, rock fragments less than 35%
- Family particle size is fine
- Precipitation is 20-30 inches; parent material is sandstone and shale; or igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock; surface texture is loam, clay loam or silt loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 20-40 inches (ustic udic and typic udic); cryic temperature regime; below tree-line; approximately 8,000 – 10,000 feet in elevation - Subalpine Climate zone
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table, riparian area, or run-in water
- Site occurs on the Grand Mesa; precipitation is 37-45 inches; Site in landscape position and receives run-in water; 20 inches or greater in depth; no water table present in 6 feet; family particle size is fine-loamy, clayey-skeletal or loamy-skeletal; soil surface texture is loam or gravelly loam
- Precipitation is 30-50 inches (Typic Udic); cryic temperature regime; above tree-line; approximately 10,000-14,440 feet in elevation - Alpine Climate Zone
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table, riparian area, or run-in water
- Site not as above
- Site occurs on the Grand Mesa; precipitation is 37-45 inches; Site in landscape position and receives run-in water; 20 inches or greater in depth; no water table present in 6 feet; family particle size is fine-loamy, clayey-skeletal or loamy-skeletal; soil surface texture is loam or gravelly loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface (shallow soil)
- Family particle size is loamy
- Parent material is sandstone, shale, siltstone, igneous rock and/or metamorphic rock; surface texture is loam, gravelly loam, cobbly loam, stony loam, channery sandy loam, gravelly fine sandy loam, sandy loam, or fine sandy loam
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface (shallow soil)
- Site not as above
- Site is loamy-skeletal
- Parent material is sandstone, shale, siltstone, igneous rock and/or metamorphic rock; surface texture is loam, gravelly loam, cobbly loam, stony loam, channery sandy loam, gravelly fine sandy loam, sandy loam, or fine sandy loam
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Family particle size is fine-silty
- Parent material is sandstone, shale, siltstone, igneous rock and/or metamorphic rock; surface texture is loam, gravelly loam, cobbly loam, stony loam, channery sandy loam, gravelly fine sandy loam, sandy loam, or fine sandy loam
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Site not as above
- Parent material is sandstone, shale, siltstone, igneous rock and/or metamorphic rock; surface texture is loam, gravelly loam, cobbly loam, stony loam, channery sandy loam, gravelly fine sandy loam, sandy loam, or fine sandy loam; 0-30% slope
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine
- Parent material is sandstone, shale, siltstone, igneous rock and/or metamorphic rock; surface texture is loam, gravelly loam, cobbly loam, stony loam, channery sandy loam, gravelly fine sandy loam, sandy loam, or fine sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine
- Parent material is shale and/or sandstone; surface textures is clay loam or loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 9-12 inches(ustic bordering on aridic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 6,000-8,000 feet in elevation – Semidesert climate zone
- No water table or run-in moisture; soil depth is 20-40 inches; family particle size is fine-loamy; soil surface is sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is coarse-loamy.
- Parent material is alluvium; surface textures is sandy loam, gravelly sandy loam, or gravelly loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Soils are skeletal soils (greater than 35% rock fragments)
- Family particle size is loamy-skeletal
- Site occurs as long narrow belts on fan terraces, alluvial fans and glacial outwash plains adjacent to the Arkansas River
- Parent material is outwash and alluvium; surface texture is stony sandy loam or very gravelly loamy sand
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table, riparian area, or run-in water
- Site is not as above
- Site in landscape position and receives run-in water, no water table in 6 feet; family particle size is fine-loamy; soil surface texture is loam, sandy loam, clay loam or gravelly sandy clay loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Soils are skeletal soils (greater than 35% rock fragments)
- Family particle size is loamy-skeletal
- Site not as above
- Parent material is basalt, sandstone, and/or shale; soil surface is stony sandy loam, gravelly sandy loam, very cobbly loam, or very stony sandy loam; slope is 3-30%
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Site not as above
- Parent material is sandstone and shale, or basalt; soil surface texture is loam, very channery loam, or sandy clay loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Soils are skeletal soils (greater than 35% rock fragments)
- Family particle size is loamy-skeletal
- Site not as above
- Parent material shale, sandstone, and/or basalt, surface texture is cobbly sandy loam, cobbly loam, very flaggy loam or channery loam; slope is 25-65%
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 30-50 inches (Typic Udic); cryic temperature regime; above tree-line; approximately 10,000-14,440 feet in elevation - Alpine Climate Zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, Site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Rock fragments greater than 35% and family particle size is loamy-skeletal
- Slopes is 30-60%
- Parent material is monzonite, diorite, conglomerate, rhyolite, volcanic rock sandstone, granite, gneiss, schist, andesite, tuffigneous rock and/or metamorphic rock; Surface texture is very gravelly loam, gravelly loam, extremely gravelly loam, very cobbly loam, extremely cobbly loam, very stony loam, or extremely stony sandy loam; 30-60% slopes
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 30-50 inches (Typic Udic); cryic temperature regime; above tree-line; approximately 10,000-14,440 feet in elevation - Alpine Climate Zone
- Site receives extra water beyond normal precipitation through high water table, riparian area, or run-in water
- Site has perennial water table 0-12 inches in depth; soil depth is greater than 60 inches; soil surface texture is loam, cobbly loam or silt loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 30-50 inches (Typic Udic); cryic temperature regime; above tree-line; approximately 10,000-14,440 feet in elevation - Alpine Climate Zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, Site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Rock fragments greater than 35% and family particle size is loamy-skeletal
- 0-30% slopes
- Parent material is colluvium, till, basalt, rhyolite, tuff, volcanic breccia, and/or andesite; soil surface texture is very gravelly loam, cobbly loam, stony loam, or gravelly silt loam
Key Characteristics
- 12" - 16" annual precipitation. Up to 20" on south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity, site is too dry to support gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains less than 35% rock fragments by volume
- Surface soil texture mainly loam, may have a gravelly modifier, has less than 10% rock fragments on the soils surface
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site has bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface (shallow soil)
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is loamy
- Parent material limestone or sandstone; surface texture is sandy loam or gravelly sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 30-50 inches (Typic Udic); cryic temperature regime; above tree-line; approximately 10,000-14,440 feet in elevation - Alpine Climate Zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site have bedrock within 20 inches of the soil surface
- Family particle size is loamy or loamy-skeletal; Surface texture is very gravelly loam, very stony loam, very cobbly loam, very stony sandy loam, very cobbly sandy loam, loam or very cobbly silt loam
Key Characteristics
- 12" - 16" annual precipitation. Up to 20" on south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity, site is too dry to support gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains less than 35% rock fragments by volume
- Surface soil texture mainly loam to silty clay loam, may have a gravelly modifier, has less than 10% rock fragments on the soils surface
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 30-50 inches (Typic Udic); cryic temperature regime; above tree-line; approximately 10,000-14,440 feet in elevation - Alpine Climate Zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, Site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Rock fragments greater than 35% and family particle size is loamy-skeletal
- 0-30% slopes
- Parent material rhyolite, tuff, volcanic rock and/or sandstone; soil surface texture is very gravelly loam, loam, or very stony sandy loam; 10-60% slopes
- Precipitation is 30-50 inches (Typic Udic); cryic temperature regime; above tree-line; approximately 10,000-14,440 feet in elevation - Alpine Climate Zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Not as above, Site is greater than 20 inches in depth to bedrock
- Rock fragments greater than 35% and family particle size is loamy-skeletal
- Slopes is 30-60%
- Parent material rhyolite, tuff, volcanic rock and/or sandstone; soil surface texture is very gravelly loam, loam, or very stony sandy loam; 10-60% slopes
Key Characteristics
- 12" - 16" annual precipitation. Up to 20" on south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity, site is too dry to support gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer 20” or less from the soil surface
- Surface soil textures are fine gravelly silty clay loam to gravelly loam and rock content is generally less than 35% of the soil volume
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Soils are skeletal soils (greater than 35% rock fragments)
- Family particle size is sandy-skeletal
- Parent material is alluvium and outwash; surface texture is gravelly sandy loam or stony sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- 12" - 16" annual precipitation. Up to 20" on south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity, site is too dry to support gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains less than 35% rock fragments by volume
- Surface soil texture mainly channery fine sandy loam (surface fragments 10-30%).
Key Characteristics
- 12" - 16" annual precipitation. Up to 20" on south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity, site is too dry to support gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains less than 35% rock fragments by volume
- Surface soil texture mainly loamy sand are excessively drained on alluvial fans
Key Characteristics
- 12" - 16" annual precipitation. Up to 20" on south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity, site is too dry to support gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer 20” or less from the soil surface
- Surface textures are mostly clay loam
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation is 12-16 inches (aridic bordering on ustic moisture regime); frigid temperature regime; approximately 7,000 -8,500 feet in elevation - Dry Mountain/foothills/ climate zone (Note: This climate zone is called Upland in Utah sites.)
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Soils are skeletal soils (greater than 35% rock fragments)
- Site is not loamy-skeletal family particle size
- Family particle size is sandy-skeletal, soil surface texture is generally a gravelly sandy loam; site occurs on fan terraces and alluvial fans
Key Characteristics
- 12" - 16" annual precipitation. Up to 20" on south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity, site is too dry to support gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer 20” or less from the soil surface
- Surface textures are mostly channery or gravelly sandy loam (surface fragments 10-30% by volume)
Key Characteristics
- 12" - 16" annual precipitation. Up to 20" on south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity, site is too dry to support gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer 20” or less from the soil surface
- Surface textures are mostly very channery loam (surface fragments 10-30% by volume)
Key Characteristics
- 12" - 16" annual precipitation. Up to 20" on south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity, site is too dry to support gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer 20” or less from the soil surface
- Surface soil textures are predominately gravelly loam on outwash terraces (surface fragments 10-30%).
Key Characteristics
- 12" - 16" annual precipitation. Up to 20" on south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity, site is too dry to support gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains greater than 35% rock fragments by volume
- Surface soil texture mainly channery/extremely channery loam (surface fragments 10-60%).
Key Characteristics
- 12" - 16" annual precipitation. Up to 20" on south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity, site is too dry to support gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer 20” or less from the soil surface
- Surface textures are mostly gravelly fine sandy loam (surface fragments 10-40% by volume)
Key Characteristics
- 12" - 16" annual precipitation. Up to 20" on south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity, site is too dry to support gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains greater than 35% rock fragments by volume
- Surface soil texture mainly channery or bouldery sandy loam (surface fragments greater than 35%).
Key Characteristics
- 12" - 16" annual precipitation. Up to 20" on south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity, site is too dry to support gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer 20” or less from the soil surface
- Surface textures are channery loam with slopes greater than 35%
Key Characteristics
- 12" - 16" annual precipitation. Up to 20" on south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity, site is too dry to support gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer 20” or less from the soil surface
- Surface soil texture mainly very channery loam (surface fragments 20-70%) with slopes greater than 35%.
Key Characteristics
- Precipitation 16-20 inches (typic ustic moisture regime); frigid or cryic temperature regime; approximately 7,000-9,000 feet in elevation – Mountains climate zone
- Site receives no extra water beyond normal precipitation
- Site not as above, site is greater than 20 inches to bedrock
- Site not as above, soils are non-skeletal (less than 35% rock fragments
- Site not as above
- Family particle size is fine-loamy
- Site not as above
- Parent material is sandstone; surface texture is cobbly fine sandy loam; slope is 25-75%
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains less than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Slopes on site typically less than 50%
- Site not as above
- Surface soil texture mainly loam, fine sandy loam to cobbly fine sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains less than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Slopes on site typically less than 50%
- Site not as above
- Surface soil texture mainly gravelly fine sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains less than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Slopes on site typically less than 50%
- Site not as above
- Surface soil texture mainly stony to clay loam with the dominant aspect of the site being a grass
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains less than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Slopes on site typically less than 50%
- Site occurs in area that receive additional moisture from adjacent upland sites
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains less than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Slopes on site typically less than 50%
- Site not as above
- Surface soil texture mainly loam to stony loam with the past/present evidence of Gambel’s oak as the dominant aspect of the site
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains less than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Slopes on site typically less than 50%
- Site not as above
- Present or past evidence that trees dominated this site
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer 20” or less from the soil surface
- Surface textures are loam with Gambel’s oak likely the dominant aspect of the site
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer 20” or less from the soil surface
- Surface textures are mostly very gravelly loam (gravels 10-30% by volume)
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer 20” or less from the soil surface
- Surface soil textures are predominately fine sandy loam, but have a gravel modifier as well
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer 20” or less from the soil surface
- Surface textures are mostly cobbly loam (rocks 3-10” 10-20% of by volume)
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer 20” or less from the soil surface
- Surface textures are mostly channery loam with current or past evidence of trees occupying the site
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains greater than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Surface soil texture mainly loam to very fine sandy loam
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains greater than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Surface soil texture mainly sandy loam to gravelly sandy loam and does not have rock fragments greater than 3” on the soil surface
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains greater than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Surface soil texture mainly gravelly sandy loam to loam, has less than 10% rock fragments on the soils surface greater than 3”
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains less than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Slopes on site typically greater than 50%
- Surface soil textures mainly fine sandy loam to loam with past/present evidence of Gambel’s oak on the site
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains less than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Slopes on site typically greater than 50%
- Surface soil textures mainly stony/extremely stony loam, to very channery loam
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains less than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Slopes on site typically greater than 50%
- Surface soil textures are mainly very channery loam and rock fragment on the soil surface is larger than 3”
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains greater than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Surface soil textures mainly gravelly sandy loam with slopes generally greater than 50%
Key Characteristics
- 16" - 22" annual precipitation (except some south and west slopes or soils with poor water holding capacity), adjacent areas are capable of supporting gambel oak
- Generally restrictive layer greater than 20” from the soil surface
- Top 24” of soil profile generally contains greater than 50% rock fragments by volume
- Surface soil texture mainly extremely boulder fine sandy loam or very channery loam
Key Characteristics
- Greater than 35" annual precipitation
- 22" - 40" annual precipitation
- Slope generally less than 30%
- Surface soil texture loam to silt loam and soil profile contains greater than 10% rock fragment by volume
Key Characteristics
- Greater than 35" annual precipitation
- 22" - 40" annual precipitation
- Slope generally less than 30%
- Soil depth is generally moderately deep (20-40”) and are generally associated/adjacent to aspen sites dominated by herbaceous species
Key Characteristics
- Greater than 35" annual precipitation
- 22" - 40" annual precipitation
- Slope generally less than 30%
- Surface soil texture loam and soil profile contains less than 10% rock fragment by volume
Key Characteristics
- Greater than 35" annual precipitation
- 22" - 40" annual precipitation
- Slope generally less than 30%
- Soil depths generally shallow (< 20%) with gravelly silt loam surface texture.
Key Characteristics
- Greater than 35" annual precipitation
- Site is above timberline
- Gravels on surface are greater than 20% and soil profile is loamy-skeletal and fragmental (>35% rock fragments by volume)
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The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.