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Major Land Resource Area 051X

High Intermountain Valleys

Home / Esd catalog / MLRA 051X


This MLRA encompasses the San Luis Valley in south central Colorado and the Taos Plateau and Taos alluvial piedmonts of north central New Mexico. As part of the northern portion of the Rio Grande Rift, the MLRA consists of large, alluvium filled basins washed down from adjacent mountain ranges. The Rio Grande River flows through this MLRA, continuing its long function of carrying mountain sediment down to the basin. Cenozoic volcanism is an extensive characteristic of the MLRA where large basalt flows with volcanic hills and domes are abundant. Ancient Lake Alamosa is a large feature within the MLRA.

Geographic subunits

Land Resource Unit 1. Major River Corridors: This includes the channel, floodplain, and terraces associated with the Rio Grande and Conejos RIvers.

Land Resource Unit 2. Ancient Lake Alamosa: This consists of the lower portion of the piedmont slope plus the basin floor. Associated major land forms include the fan skirt, alluvial flat, and playa complex.

Land Resource Unit 3. Volcanic Field: This includes the Cenozoic basalt, rhyolite, and andesite flows.

Land Resource Unit 4. Sandsheet including the active sand dunes.

Land Resource Unit 5. Upper Piedmont Slopes not influences by Ancient Lake Alamosa or pluvial lakes.

Land Resource Unit 6. Piedmont slopes and valley fill from the Rio Grande and fans coming off the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in the southeast portion of the MLRA.

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