Major Land Resource Area 023X
Malheur High Plateau
Accessed: 03/14/2025
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Key Characteristics
- Site does not pond or flood
- Landform other than dunes
- Surface soils are not clayey
- Sites are tree dominated
- Elevations < 7000'
- Soils Clayey at PCS
Key Characteristics
- Site does not pond or flood
- Landform other than dunes
- Surface soils are not clayey
- Sites are tree dominated
- Elevations < 7000'
- Soils loamy or ashy
- Frost free days < 100
- Soils very shallow (depth ≤ 12")
Key Characteristics
- Site does not pond or flood
- Landform other than dunes
- Surface soils are not clayey
- Sites are tree dominated
- Elevation > 7000'
Key Characteristics
- Site does not pond or flood
- Landform other than dunes
- Surface soils are not clayey
- Sites are shrub or grass dominated
- MAP ≤ 10"
- Soil texture (PCS) clayey
- Site does not pond or flood
- Landform other than dunes
- Surface soils are not clayey
- Sites are shrub or grass dominated
- [Criteria]MAP >10"
- Soils is shallow to root restrictive layer
- Soils Molisols
ProvisionalR023XY902ORShallow and Moderately Deep >12 PZ Low and Lahontan sagebrush and Idaho fescuei
Key Characteristics
- Site does not pond or flood
- Landform other than dunes
- Soil surface is clayey
- MAP > 10"
- Soil Temperature Regime Frigid. Frost Free Days per Year < 80
Key Characteristics
- Site does not pond or flood
- Landform other than dunes
- Surface soils are not clayey
- Sites are shrub or grass dominated
- [Criteria]MAP >10"
- Soil is moderately deep or deeper
- Site on other aspects or landforms
- Soil textures (PCS) ashy
- Sites are on backslopes of ash flow landforms
ProvisionalR023XY904NVCobbly Moderately Deep Clay 10-14 PZ Low or Lahontan Sagebrush and Sandberg bluegrassi
Key Characteristics
- Site does not pond or flood
- Landform other than dunes
- Soil surface is clayey
- MAP > 10"
- Soils warmer than frigid.
- Soils weekly reactive or less.
Key Characteristics
- Site does not pond or flood
- Landform other than dunes
- Surface soils are not clayey
- Sites are shrub or grass dominated
- [Criteria]MAP >10"
- Soil is moderately deep or deeper
- Site is on south aspect of plateau landscapes
Key Characteristics
- Site does not pond or flood
- Landform other than dunes
- Surface soils are not clayey
- Sites are shrub or grass dominated
- [Criteria]MAP >10"
- Soil is moderately deep or deeper
- Site on other aspects or landforms
- Soil textures (PCS) ashy
- Sites are on plateau summits and shoulders
Key Characteristics
- Site does not pond or flood
- Landform other than dunes
- Surface soils are not clayey
- Sites are shrub or grass dominated
- [Criteria]MAP >10"
- Soil is moderately deep or deeper
- Site on other aspects or landforms
- Soils texture (PCS) loamy
ProvisionalR023XY909ORClayey Mesic Plateaus 8-14 PZ Wyoming Big Sagebrush and Thurber's Needlegrassi
Key Characteristics
- Site does not pond or flood
- Landform other than dunes
- Surface soils are not clayey
- Sites are shrub or grass dominated
- MAP ≤ 10"
- Texture (PCS) ashy or loamy
Key Characteristics
- Site does not pond or flood
- Landform other than dunes
- Soil surface is clayey
- MAP ≤ 10"
Key Characteristics
- Site subject to Ponding or Flooding
- Site is not sodic
- Soils are clayey
Key Characteristics
- Site does not pond or flood
- Landform other than dunes
- Surface soils are not clayey
- Sites are shrub or grass dominated
- [Criteria]MAP >10"
- Soils is shallow to root restrictive layer
- Soils Aridisols
Key Characteristics
- Site does not pond or flood
- Site on dune landform
Key Characteristics
- Site does not pond or flood
- Landform other than dunes
- Soil surface is clayey
- MAP > 10"
- Soils warmer than frigid.
- Soils extremely reactive and may have visible concentrations of CaCO3.
Key Characteristics
- Site subject to Ponding or Flooding
- Site is not sodic
- Soils are loamy
Key Characteristics
- Site does not pond or flood
- Landform other than dunes
- Surface soils are not clayey
- Sites are tree dominated
- Elevations < 7000'
- Soils loamy or ashy
- Frost free days < 100
- Soils > 12" deep.
ProvisionalR023XY918NVMountain Slope 10-12 PZ Utah Juniper with Thurber's Needlegrass and Sagebrush.i
Key Characteristics
- Site does not pond or flood
- Landform other than dunes
- Surface soils are not clayey
- Sites are tree dominated
- Elevations < 7000'
- Soils loamy or ashy
- Frost free days per year ≥ 100
Key Characteristics
- Site subject to Ponding or Flooding
- Site has sodic soils properties
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Ecological site groups
Major Land Resource Areas
The Ecosystem Dynamics Interpretive Tool is an information system framework developed by the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and New Mexico State University.