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Major Land Resource Area 040X

Sonoran Basin and Range

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Major Land Resource Area (MLRA) 40 is the portion of Sonoran Desert that extends from northwest Mexico into southwestern Arizona and southeastern California. This MLRA is hot desert characterized by bimodal precipitation coupled with hot summers and mild winters. These conditions give rise to a rich biological diversity visually dominated by columnar cactus (saguaro) and leguminous trees (palo verde). This unit occurs within the Basin and Range Physiographic Province and is characterized by numerous mountain ranges that rise abruptly from broad, plain-like valleys and basins. Igneous and metamorphic rock classes dominate the mountain ranges, and basin sediments are combinations of fluvial, lacustrine, colluvial and alluvial deposits.

Geographic subunits

Land Resource Unit 1. Land Resource Unit (LRU) 40-1, Upper Sonoran Desert, is characterized by desert scrub vegetation with no desert pavement present. Trees grow on uplands as well as in washes and on hillslopes. Elevations range from 2000 to 3800 feet, and precipitation averages 10 to 13 inches per year. Vegetation includes saguaro, palo verde, mesquite, creosotebush, triangle bursage, prickly pear, cholla, limberbush, wolfberry, bush muhly, threeawns, ocotillo, and globe mallow. The soil temperature regime is thermic and the soil moisture regime is typic aridic.

Land Resource Unit 2. Land Resource Unit (LRU) 40-2, Middle Sonoran Desert, is characterized by desert scrub vegetation with a moderate percentage of desert pavement on relic fan remnants; trees are common in all washes, bottoms and hillslopes but largely absent from uplands. Elevation ranges from 1200 to 2000 feet and precipitation averages 7 to 10 inches per year. Upland vegetation includes saguaro, palo verde, creosotebush, white bursage, brittlebush, prickly pear, cholla, desert saltbush, wolfberry, and big galleta. The soil temperature regime is hyperthermic and soil moisture regime is typic aridic.

Land Resource Unit 3. Land Resource Unit (LRU) 40-3, Colorado Sonoran Desert, is characterized by desert scrub vegetation and a high percentage of desert pavement on relic fan remnants. Trees are limited to large washes and hillslopes. Elevations range from 300 to 1200 feet and precipitation averages 3 to 7 inches per year. Vegetation includes creosotebush, white bursage, brittlebush, Mormon tea, teddybear cholla, elephant tree, smoke tree, ocotillo, and big galleta. Soil temperature regime is hyperthermic and soil moisture regime is typic aridic.

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